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*Adelyn's POV*

I stood up from the ground, brushing off my romper.

I exited my room, entering the kitchen full of friends.

I smiled shyly, and sat on the couch. I felt Jordan come sit next to me, but I continued to stay focused on my phone.

He nudged my shoulder, but I still kept my eyes from meeting his.

"Ad." He mumbled.

I looked up into his glowing brown eyes, and shivered at the way he smiled at me.

Julio saved me from saying anything, "Everyone ready to leave? I hear that people have been lined up for hours!"

I stood up quickly, walking towards the door and out into the car. Jordan followed behind me, but I made sure Bee had a seat next to me. He stared at me with a look of sadness.

I was hurting him, which was something I never wanted to do. Bee looked at me, reassuring me that this was the right thing to do, even though I will never think it is.


We pulled up behind the bar where the meetup was being held.

"I'm scared, Bee." I said, looking out at the line I saw.

"Girl, it will be okay! All these people are here to see us, they need you to be happy!" She grabbed my cheeks and pulled them into a smile.

Jordan giggled, and god help me I almost died. I bit my lip, hiding my attraction, but saw him smirk.

We exited the uber, thanking him for driving us, and walked closer to the meetup. When we turned the corner I saw exactly how many people were there, and it made me freak out a little inside.

Jordan snaked in between Bee and I, intertwining our fingers.

I quickly pulled away, shocked at his action. He frowned, and I was at a loss for words.

The poor guy had no clue what was going on. I feel so bad, but at the same time, I had to think Bee was right. I ran to catch up with her, waving to the many people that were freaking out.

We entered the building, and took our seats. I was next to Will, and Jordan came and took the seat on the other side of me. I talked to Will until people were allowed to enter.

I signed my first minecraft sword, realizing how ugly my signature was. I gave many hugs, smiles, and took lots of pictures.

"This is insane." Will whispered.

I nodded, looking over at Jordan who was staring in my direction. I quickly turned away, and continued a conversation with another fan.


Two hours went by, and we saw many faces. I got so many letters and fan art that I couldn't wait to look through. The line was so long, that over half of the fans had to leave without meeting us, so as we met the last lucky one, I started to pack up my things.

"Did you have fun?" Jordan asked, getting closer to me.

I nodded, and was thankfully interrupted by Bee. "That was so much fun!"

"I know!" I embraced her, and smiled.

Jordan looked at me again, this time with a look of betrayal.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he turned away before I could. Bee patted my shoulder, but I just shook my head. "I can't do this to him." I whispered. She hugged me again, before grabbing her bags so we could leave.

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