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There is horror clearly written all over my face. I have never felt this scared since after he called me the last time. What did I have to do now...?

What would he make me do? I can't do that again. Please...

The girl smiled uneasily. 'You're...scared?'

I swerved back to her. I'd forgotten she was there. Embarrassing...

'You should be scared.'

'Actually, I wanted to skin you alive a few minutes ago, but now you look like you could use a hug.' She spread her hands, gesturing at me. 'Come on.'

I must have really been scared, because I really went into her embrace, and her warmth calmed me for a few seconds...

Until she smacked me in the head.


She was laughing... at me. I don't know why, but a smile tugged on my mouth as her laughter filled my ears. She saw my smile and immediately stopped smiling, in fact, she looked just as angry as she was before.

She lay back down avoiding eye contact. I took that as a hint and left.


'Where is he?'

'In the study, but sir, he's not physically there...'

'Yeah, I know.'

I walked towards the study, ignoring the guard that had given me directions. I opened the massive wooden doors, flower patterns tracing its handle. The only thing left in the study was a bare, time worn plastic table with a laptop on top of it, and a plastic chair. What is it with these people and plastic? Except for this, the shelves of books have been stripped off, like they have been literally stripped from this room. I can still see the dark marks the shelves made, but except for this, there is no other proof that there was anything else in this room.

The laptop seems to be breathing heavily, making huffing sounds, and the screen's lights are flickering.


I walk up to the laptop, not looking directly into the laptop's screen, until I have settled myself in. Then I look at him... at him.

The bastard, murderer of my mother, a billionaire, killer of thousands of lives, the owner of Yenni... and my father.

He is smiling with all his teeth, and I am curling my fists, hoping that I don't throw the laptop across the room. His blonde spiky hair seemed to be wearing off, revealing his natural brown hair, like mine. His brown eyes are piercing, his pupils shaking and his eyes are wrinkled at the edges, which is very rare to see. His white teeth are shining so brightly I want to punch them.

Sup, Bastard. 'Good evening, father.'

'Son! I hope your enjoying yourself. You and your comrades are now well acquainted, yes?'

He is still smiling. What was the deal?

'Yes, father. Arena and Berry have proven to be very helpful for my training.'

'Well, I certainly have noticed that.'

He is beaming now, like he was radiating sunlight. What the fuck is going on.

'I don't quite get what you mean father?'

He leans towards the screen. 'The girl... you have her?' he whispers.

I narrow my eyes. 'Yes, I do. But she's simply another person Yenni has kidnapped. She's not the first star either, so... why the interest.'

I am expecting him to dismiss me, which is why I'm surprised when he says 'Oh, well it's because I have quite a... deal to settle with her father.'

'A... a deal?'

'Oh yes, high school things, you wouldn't understand.'

'How could I when I never went to school?'

He suddenly just... stopped. He then began assessing me, as if realizing who he was talking to. 'Are you challenging me, young man?'

My hands began to shake. 'N- No. Of course not. Apologies father perhaps it was a slip of tongue.'

He smiles. 'As it should.'

I gulp.

There is an awkward silence, and it seems to choke me so hard, like I am suffocating. My father is not affected, but instead ruffles some papers on his desk and signs them. I am waiting for him to dismiss me, but it seems like that's not happening anytime soon.

He finally says 'I got a report earlier today from one of your co-workers. Arena, is it?'

Wait, what? 'Yes, father.'

'She seems to be complaining on your, um,' he squints his eyes in order to concentrate. 'attachment towards this girl. She says it has hindered your chances at success quite frequently.'

A memory occurs to me. Me, carrying Kira's unconscious form all the way to a getaway car. Arena driving, Berry nowhere to be seen. Arena glancing disgustedly at the girl. Arena yelling at me, me yelling back. She pushed me towards the wall, she asked me what the hell was wrong with me. She left.

Berry came in;

You really don't get it do you?

Get what??

That she's mad at you for a specific reason...

Uh, DUH! Obviously!!!

Yeah but do you know what it is??

She said I was to attached.

God, girls are confusing.


I looked towards my father. I mean what did the motherfucker want me to say. I honestly couldn't understand the situation myself, I mean it's a bit much and I better answer him before he reacts.

'I don't know what to say, father. I don't think such failures occurred.'

'She says this is why it took 2 weeks to capture her. You got distracted so many times. You even got aroused.'

'Wait, what? No, with all due respect father, nothing happened. I believe that Arena's feelings are clouding her judgement. The girl in question isn't a fool. She is incredibly resourceful and...'

'Feelings?' father asked.

'What?' I asked, momentarily confused.

'You said her feelings were clouding her judgement. What feelings are you trying to imply she has towards you?'

Then it hit me like a brick.

Does Arena like me??

Oh god.

I stared at my dad, trying to keep my face blank, even though I know I have already failed miserably. 'Arena sees me as her little brother, it annoys her that I should turn my attention towards this girl. But I can assure you father, that I would never try to be romantically involved with that...' I feigned disgust. 'thing.'

He frowned, unconvinced. 'So if I told you to slaughter her, you wouldn't hesitate?'

'S-Slaughter?' My eyes became as wide as saucers as I felt my face pale. 

'Yes' my father sighed. 'It will have to come to that anyway, and I think your first kill would be much more memorable if you killed her.' he smiled sickly at me.

'F-Father, I'm not meant to kill till I'm 20...'

'Just TWO measly years to go. Who says we cant change the rules a little?'

'Father I don't think I...'

'Of course the time for this has not arisen but I expect you to behave when it does.'

I sighed inwardly. then i cursed myself for sighing. What did i care if she died.

My father hissed. 'We will see about this attachment...'

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