Chapter 17

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Kaisen's pov:

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Kaisen's pov:

My eyes widened, I was not expecting him to start stripping. "You look more nervous than me." He said, throwing his belt down as he walked closer to me. I stepped back until my legs hit a chair, forcing me to sit down.

"Does a strip tease involve human body contact?" I spoke heavily that I had to clear my throat. He is good at this seduction thing. Maybe it's because he has dealt with this longer than me and just knows the parts where to touch a man and just drive him crazy. Cause  believe it or not we as men are easy to please.

Touch a few spots and we are driven to the edge in seconds. That was the thing with him as well. There was a way he touched me in the car that was unbelievable and in a way I was not expecting it yet...not to harm my sex experience but that was one mothefuckin blow job.

He just knew where to touch. He sucked me like he knows just the spots to touch. He took me as if saying, 'I have one myself I can deep-throat you and not make a sound'. Let's not even get to the orgasm. I was lost in pleasure I didn't want his warmth to escape before I released and that is why I held him down.

He took that like a man, I know I would have panicked. That moment alone made me wake up to reality because I noticed something in just that second. He knows how to adapt to what is being served and that was dangerous. He knows how to please and trap a man and I know nothing. I was genuinely scared just like right now, why the hell was he going to strip tease. I expected him to quit, he isn't at all.

"And music apparently." He said with his phone in hand. "Do you have a song in mind?" After a few seconds of me thinking he sighed and connected to the speaker. A beat started to play through the speakers and Rhys put his phone down. "I'm already half naked....will this still work?"

I smiled while leaning forward. "There is no way you can pull off a strip tease. I would know." I added just to show him I had seen enough to know he can't beat either of them.

"No?" You could hear the competitiveness in his voice.

"The floor is yours." I leaned back and watched him.

As usual, he did the unexpected. Rhys walked over to me. Although he said he'd never done a strip tease, he was walking and acting like this was natural. He achieved a level of sexiness and control that I didn't know was possible.

He sat on my lap, making eye contact with me as he unbuttoned his pants. My eyes threatened to look down. He blocked my view by leaning closer so his mouth was next to my ear. I held my breath, waiting for what he was going to say.

Instead of speaking he let out a deep sexy breathy chuckle in my ear that sent a shiver down my spine. "I like this song." He said as if this entire thing was natural. I'm not sure if I'm going crazy or if his voice did actually get deeper. Maybe it's the environment we're in.

"It's..." I turned to him. "This is not a strip dance." I almost laughed at myself, is that all I could come up with?

"I was just making you a little more're tense." He was right but like hell was I going to let him know.

I was out to reply when the lyric hit me like a tome of blocks. "Nobody wants war in the nighttime. Who really wants war in a fight? We should just calm down and fuck sometime." I glanced at Rhys. "That's insanely suggestive."

"I'm not suggesting anything." He said, running his hands up my shirt. "Maybe you should get your mind out of the gutter."

"My mind is right here, you trying to seduce me instead of doing a strip tease." I held onto his shoulders and smiled. "Maybe I should show you how it's done."

"You're not as hot as you think you are....definitely not worth seducing." I was about to argue back but I knew arguing won't do me any good. I want him to fall for me, not be distant. My only plan was to be exactly that, his boyfriend and cave him into falling for me.

"Oh really." I took a hold of both his wrists before pinning them behind his back. "But I find you hot Delano." I moved my lips closer to his. "And I think you're worth seducing." I slid onto my knees and laid him onto his back not once letting go of his arms. I can see it in his eyes, if he gets a chance he will fight back and I have seen it enough, he isn't one to back down.

He moved his leg, brushing it against my dick. "I know you find me hot. Your body language says it all." He licked his lips. "Humor me...seduce me."

"I don't want to seduce you." I pushed his leg away and laid between his legs. "All I want to do is know you."

He hummed. "What do you want to know?"

"You, everything, and the reason why the fuck you sang Ariana when you have a beautiful voice. You could have sung anything, wanna try again?" He has to let his guard down for me to be able to push through. He is using pleasure and even if that works in gaining attention affection works in capturing the heart.

"We will not be hating on Ariana. I love her songs. Daydreamin' is just the song I've been listening to a lot recently. I can sing something else." He hummed, thinking of a song. "Is Shawn Mendes okay?"

"Ed Sheran, I want to hear his song in your voice." I didn't know why that came to mind, Ed Sheran's voice was so soothing that I wanted to hear one of his songs in Rhy's voice, like a tiny bit of a test.

"I know it's a bad idea, but how can I help myself? Been inside for most this year and I thought a few drinks, they might help. It's been a while, my dear...dealin' with the cards life dealt. I'm still holdin' back these tears. While my friends are somewhere else." He sang Eyes Closed by ed Sheeran. It was softer than the original song.

I smiled while shaking my head. "I pictured this year a little bit different when it hit February. I step into the bar, and it hit me so hard, oh, how can it be this heavy? Every song reminds me you're gone and I feel the lump form in my throat, 'cause I'm here..." I was about to say alone but that was not right. "With you."

He closed his eyes with a soft smile. "Just dancin' with my eyes closed. 'Cause everywhere I look, I still see you."

I wanted to tease him but decided to keep on listening to his soothing voice as I joined in. I was surprised he didn't fight to get out of my hold but also enjoyed the sweet moment of us not arguing or throwing words even if this was still a bet. We still hate each other but we are willing to cover up that hate in order to win.

Winning means sacrifice, and doing whatever it takes. I was about to take this boyfriend shit to another level, looking into his eyes. He had covered his mismatched with gray contacts so I could not see his natural eyes but I smiled. I was about to make my enemy fall in love with me, I clicked my tongue as I thought of how perfect this was.

It was the perfect hate.

For anyone that's curious, the first song is "...Fuck" by Johnny Rain and the second one is "Eyes Closed" by Ed Sheeran.

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