the beginning of the end

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October 6th 2002

I woke up to the sound of sirens and I knew that today was the day my wonderful life would come to an end. Was I scared? of course not. I knew that this day would come. Did I know that i would meet my end earlier than most not necessarily.

I looked over to the love of my life sleeping peacefully next to me, he was always a deep sleeper. I gently shook him awake and his eyes fluttered open and I saw his beautiful green eyes my heart skipped a beat.

"Good morning my love" I said and placed a kiss on his lips "hello beautiful" he said and just like always he gave me butterflies. Patrick always had that power over me. To make me feel weak with just a smile. Patrick always said that I had the same effect on him when I looked at him with my eyes.

"Come on the cops aren't that far away"
I said and got up from the bed and tried to walk away to wake up the kids but two strong hands wrapped themselves around my waist and pulled me down on the bed. Patrick got on top of me and i giggled a bit. Patrick gave me his classic sexy smirk that he has. He had one of his hands around my neck and was squeezing a bit.

"Patrick we have to get the kids" I said. He rolled his eyes in a playful way "fine" he said and without taking a hand off my throat he leaned down and kissed me and i kissed back. I then flipped us over so I was now on top. He groaned then smirk "the things that I want to do to you right now" he said. I smirked back and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Whatever you have running and the twisted mind of yours I'm sure I'll love"

Patrick chuckled "I'm sure you will" he said. I got off the bed and went to walk away again and felt a slap on my ass. I didn't turn around but I had a smirk on my face as I walked downstairs.

"Olivia it's time for you to get up" I said when i reached my daughter's room and leaned against the door frame. My ten year old daughter looked at me with glassy eyes. "Mama why do we have to go? I don't want to leave you" she said with tears threatening to come down from her eyes.

I smiled at her then walked into her room and sat on her bed and patted my thigh signaling for her the lay her head down on my lap. "Don't worry about me and you dad we will be fine" I said as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"I want to believe you mama but how are me and Owen going to know you'll be ok if you're not with us?" She said lifting her head up to look at me.

"Just because you don't see us doesn't mean we aren't with you" I said then kissed the tip of her nose. "By the way I believe it's someones birthday today" I said the got up to get something. I walked down the hallway and upstairs into mine and Patrick's room. I walked over to my bedside table and opened the drawer and pulled out a gun that Patrick had gotten me at the beginning at our relationship. Patrick had carved our initials on the gun and gave it the me after three months of dating.

I walked back into Olivia's room with the gun behind my back. "Here's you birthday present baby" I said the pulled out the gun and handed it to her. Olivia's eyes widened and she looked up at me. "Mama no i-i-i can't take that" she said "you can and you will" I said then placed the gun in her hands and tightened her hands around the gun and kissed her knuckles.

I got up to leave but turned around when I got to the door "one more thing" I said the Walked back over to Olivia. I slid my wedding ring off of my fingers and put it on her ring finger. "This is yours now and I don't want to hear any arguments about it" I said then kissed her forehead "get ready" I said then got up and walked out of her room.

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