chapter two

21 1 1

October 6th 2002

An hour and a half of driving Owen stopped when he saw an old mail box that had an deflated red balloon hanging off of it. Owen got out of the car and walked to the mailbox box to see if he could find the address on it. 6062 the Mail box had the same numbers as the paper that his mom gave him.

Owen looked at the house that was in front of him. It was white, two stories, and had a lot of ivy growing on the sides. Some of the boards on the house had the paint coming off or they were fully brown and the bushes around the house were overgrown.

The grass was tall and most likely had snakes or other things wandering around in it. Owen got back into the car and saw that his sister was still asleep with Amber on her lap. Owen drove the car up the driveway and when he got to the house he saw that there was a barn. He pulled the car into the barn and put it into park. "Olivia" Owen pushed Olivia's shoulder to wake her up "hey wake up were here".

Olivia slowly opened her eyes adjusting them to her surroundings. She tuned her head and saw her brother looking back at her "come on" he said "we gotta go in". Owen and Olivia got out of the car and put their seats down so Oscar and Oliver could get out of the car.

Walking across the yard, up the stairs to the porch, the boards creeking with each step. The siblings made they're way onto the porch noticing the two broken windows, holes on the porch and a broken porch swing. "Stay here" Owen told his sister then forced the front door open and walked inside. Pulling out his pocket knife Owen Walked around the house making sure no one was there.

As Owen looked around the house he was a little shocked, the inside looked nothing like he thought it would look. The living room was clean, had new furniture and a standard TV that you would have in 2002. The thing that shocked Owen the most was that there were pictures on the walls, pictures of Owen, pictures of Olivia, pictures of their parents, pictures that were supposed to be at their house. Their house that burned down.

Owen looked at the picture of his dad laying down on a bed holding Owen when he was a baby. Owen raised his hand to the picture and lifted it slightly off the wall.

Y/n walked upstairs into her bedroom to feed her six month old son but stopped when she saw her husband laying down  with their son who was asleep. "Shush you'll wake the baby" Patrick said to his wife. Y/n smiled at the sight then walked over to the bed and crawled on to it, laying next to her son and wrapping her arms around him she looked at her husband and smiled. "It took me a minute to get him down but I got him asleep" Patrick said looking at his wife. "Thank you" y/n said. "Of course, what kind of husband would I be if I let you carry our child for nine months and not help with the baby?" Patrick said then rested his hand on his wife's cheek then kissed her. "I love you" she said "I love you too".

Owen let the picture go and stepped away from it, blinking a few times shaking what just happened away. Owen walked into the kitchen, looking around in the cabinets Owen found plates, bowls, cups and canned foods. In the fridge and freezer there were fresh fruits and vegetables but in the freezer there were different kinds of meat, animal and non animal. Owen knew the difference.

Owen walked out of the kitchen and upstairs finding even more pictures that belong in his house, like a picture of his parents wedding. Continuing walking up the stairs, when Owen go to the top he found two opened rooms right across from each other. One of the rooms was full of Owen stuff like clothes, pictures and some of his toys, more stuff that were supposed to be in his house. The other room was full of Olivia's stuff like two of her favorite stuffed animals that she had complained went missing, but they were here.

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