NXT #6 (Jan. 23)

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• Match #1: Julia Hart & Skye Blue VS Bayley & Dakota Kai (w/ Damage Cntrl)

* Winner: Julia Hart & Skye Blue (towards the ending of the match Alicia Fox and Candice LaRae came out brawling as iyo sky soon got involved... Auska and Kairi sane attacked Jaida Parker and Red Velvet who was also at ringside, all the chaos soon spill backstage leaving Bayley and Dakota with no support Julia took advantage to cheat using the ropes to pin Bayley).

Segment: "Face To Face"

A table was set up in the ring with the NXT Women's Champion Valentina Feroz seated on one side and her challenger for Royal Rumble only 4 days away and The First Women's Iron Survivor Riho seated across from her with Byron in the middle.

"Tonight we have the two ladies who'll clash at the upcoming ROYAL RUMBLE pay per view for The NXT Women's Championship... On my left is the First ever Women's Iron Survivor Riho" Byron introduced as Riho waved and the fans cheered. "We also have the first ever NXT Women's Champion Valentina Feroz with us!" He added as she just raised her title.

*WWE Universe cheered*

"Starting with Riho where is your head space at going from winning the biggest match in your career to getting the biggest opportunity?" Byron asked.

"It is an honor! Ever since I arrived here in NXT I thought I would just be an outcast and always in the shadows of others but I proved myself wrong when I won that Iron Survivor Challenge and I'll continue my momentum to become the Second NXT Women's Champion" Riho said as the crowd erupt in cheers.

"Pff! Please Riho I have a lot of respect for you and I respect your dreams but I think you need to wake up now cause at ROYAL RUMBLE this title ain't going nowhere" Valentina said.

"So you think, i pinned one of the greatest in this business not once... But twice to get this opportunity so it ain't gonna be hard to pin someone in lower ranks" Riho clapped back.

"I'd like to see you try" Valentina said throwing her title over her shoulder as both ladies got up close and personal with each other as out of nowhere Gisele shaw yet again got involved in this fued attacking the NXT Women's Champion from behind quickly retreating.

Match #2: Alisha Edwards VS Emi Sakura

* Winner: Emi Sakura

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