The First Duty of a Man

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The first duty of a man is to think for himself
To question, to ponder, to delve
Into the depths of his mind
And leave societal norms behind

For what is a man without his own thoughts?
A mere puppet, dancing in society's knots
But with a mind that is truly free
He can soar to heights others cannot see

He must break the chains of conformity
And embrace his own individuality
For in the chaos of the world
He must find his own truth, unfurled

No one else can dictate his path
For his thoughts are his guide, his compass
In a world that demands conformity
The first duty of a man is to think independently

To seek knowledge, to challenge beliefs
To question even his own deep griefs
For only through introspection
Can he find his true direction

His mind is a universe, vast and complex
Filled with ideas, thoughts, and objects
He must navigate through this realm
With passion and courage at the helm

For the first duty of a man is not easy
But it's what sets him apart, makes him truly free
To think, to create, to imagine
Is the essence of being human

In the depths of our minds
Lies the key to a life that truly shines.

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