The Iron Maiden

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After Cape St. George and Bismarck left...

Location: Iron Blood Base

Time: 6:00 pm

Fitzgerald was being dragged to a clothing store against his will. "H-Hey, this isn't right!" he said as he was practically kidnapped and forced to go with them to a clothing store.

"Quit your crying." replied Graf Zeppelin as they entered the store. They went directly to the men's aisle and began to search for a nice outfit for Fitzgerald. "Why are we looking for clothes..?" he asked and Peter Strasser spoke. "Is he dense?" she asked, seeming to be mocking his intelligence. "He must be. Even when we dragged him here, he still has no clue what we're doing." replied Admiral Hipper.

"You don't need to insult me.." Fitzgerald said as he noticed that they were picking out clothes that seemed to match with one another. "Hey, do you have a dressing room?" Graf Zeppelin asked an attendant, getting directed to the closest one. The others finished picking out outfits before dragging Fitzgerald to the dressing room.

"Here, change into this." said Graf Zeppelin, handing Fitzgerald an outfit before pushing him into the changing room. Fitzgerald, who was shoved into the changing room against his will, looked down at the clothes he had in his arms. The first outfit he was given was a light colored dress suit. He was confused on why he was given it but because he was going to be forced to put it on by them, he decided to wear it without a second thought.

After a few minutes, he stepped out only to be judged by the group. "Hm, the color is too bright." said Admiral Hipper. "I was thinking the same thing. The color doesn't match him." said August Von Parseval who picked up another set of clothes.

"Could you explain to me why-" Fitzgerald first said only to be shoved into the changing room with another pair of clothes. "Try that on." August Von Parseval said, closing the door. Fitzgerald sighed and looked at the outfit. "Dark Academia..?" he asked, looking at the fashion of the clothing. He was confused at first but he had to put it on.

Once he had put it on and came out, the group judged him and placed a new outfit into his hands before shoving him back into the changing room. Fitzgerald couldn't do anything but try on the variety of outfits they kept giving him. Eventually, after half an hour, he came out wearing a dark colored dress suit.

"We should've went with this one." said Admiral Hipper, looking at him. "But what if after all this effort she would dislike it?" asked Graf Zeppelin who was going to make the purchase of the clothing. "Well that would mean all of our efforts would be in vain." replied Admiral Hipper.

"Knowing her, she would like him to be in a suit." replied Peter Strasser. "Who wouldn't like a man in formal attire?" Admiral Hipper remarked, glancing at Fitzgerald. "The taste of someone varies but for her, she prefers this one."

"Did you just refer to me as an object..?" Fitzgerald asked, only to hear the group just giggling to his question. 'I guess they did..' he thought to himself as he walked behind them. After Graf Zeppelin made the purchase, Admiral Hipper spoke to Fitzgerald.

"Since you look about ready, we will take you to Prinz Eugen." she said and Fitzgerald gave a look of surprise at them. "Wait this was all for her?" he asked and practically everyone face palmed. "I told you he was dense." said Peter Strasser.

"I knew he was dense but I didn't know he would be that dense." Admiral Hipper replied, sighing a bit. "I don't understand how my younger sister fell in love with you."

"You should have been the younger sister considering how flat you are." replied Graf Zeppelin who was teasing her. Admiral Hipper took offense to that and was angry. "I am NOT THAT FLAT!" she shouted, causing a small commotion within the store.

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