Stone Cold, part 1

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After a really successful fight against literal cows, only 3 people remained non-petrified: Sevrik (altough he was kinda dizzy from the blood loss), Zachary, and Scarlett. Not even Jeremy this time; Zachary sent him to the nearby village with a letter, for help. Sevrik estimated that it will be half an hour for help to arrive, if Jeremy flies fast. 
- Easy, you should rest for a bit. - said Scarlett, sitting down next to Sevrik. The boy let out a small groan, trying to sit up, but eventually lied back on his back (xddd). Scarlett was starting to remember the last time this happened; they needed to transplant blood from someone, so Sevrik could recover a bit faster. Luckily, that someone was still moving, and not frozen in one place. He was standing a couple feet away from them, looking at the direction of the village. He has not spoken a word since Jeremy left.
- Zachary, could you come here for a moment? - she could see the ranger shudder for a split second, like someone coming back from a trance. He silently complied, and sit right next to her.
- Is he stable? - asked Zachary, in a half-hollow voice. Scarlett was not expecting him to react  this badly to his raven not being by his side, considering the fact that at most, it will be one hour until Jeremy comes back.
- Yes, but pretty dizzy. I was thinking about giving him some blood, considering you share the same type, but only if you are okay with that as well.
- Yeah, let's do it. We will still have to walk to the village, he will need his strenght. - Scarlett didn't waste any time; she got a tube from her stash, and inserted one end into Sevrik's vein. She grabbed the other end, and wanted to ask Zachary to hold out his hand, but the ranger had already did that. Scarlett held out her free hand, in order to stabilize Zachary's slightly shaking hand (OMG THEY HELD HANDS 😲😱🤯😳). Zachary shuddered again, at the instant Scarlett touched him (😳😳😳😳😳), but only briefly. Scarlett could feel some of the ranger's tension easing up somehow, with every passing second she held his hand in hers. This process continued even after she inserted (🤨😳😲🥵🥵) the other end of the tube (😱😱😏) into Zachary (🤫🥴😵). Blood was flowing steadily, but her hand started to get tired. She placed her hand (still holding Zachary's) on her knee. They were sitting like this for a few minutes, then when she deemed it done, she removed the tube, then let go of Zachary's hand (😨🥺🥺). Sevrik quickly fell asleep.

Zachary felt slightly dizzy after the experience (😏🤭🤭), but it was nothing he couldn't manage. He didn't even notice at first, but he was looking at Scarlett packing up. He watched carefully, as tended to Sevrik's arm, put away and cleaned the tube, etc. He just realized, that he always found something really captivating about the way she did her small movements like these; so measured, yet so elegant and smooth. Comforting, even. To be fair, she had plenty of lifetime time to perfect this, from a regular human's perspective. Still, it felt good for Zachary to look at her doing basically nothing special. He didn't understand why; maybe he didn't need to.

Now, dear reader, you may expect some interesting things to happen. Like Zachary telling something really important to Scarlett. 
You are foolish to believe that. Here are the reasons why:
1. Zachary is a shitass
2. I'm a shitass because I waited too long to initiate anything
3. Levi a jóisten áldjon meg hogy pont abban a szent minutumban kell eventezni amikor épp kitaláltam mit akarok 😤😤😤

Before it would turn awkward, he turned his head to face another direction. Or to be correct, he tried.
He could only move his eyes. His body was locked in place.
Judging by Scarlett's sudden halt, she couldn't move a muscle either. Except of course those related to the III. brain nerve, the Oculomotor Nerve, which is responsible for innervation to the pupil and lens (autonomic, parasympathetic), innervation to the upper eyelid (somatic), and innervation of the eye muscles that allow for visual tracking and gaze fixation (somatic). Zachary heard a noise behind him, like a portal opening, but he couldn't face it. Two or three people have stepped out from it. Scarlett, on the other hand, was facing them. She recognised the goliath from the encounter earlier. The goliath stepped beside Mevrik's statue, and poured some liquid on it. They didn't turn much attention the her, or Zachary. 

Mevrik felt as if he was reborn; he could see again. Altought, couldn't move. He was facing the goliath now.
"So they did come after all."
- We're here, be quick. What's the offer?
- As I said. You get me where I want to go, and ensure I get there safely, in exchange you get Sevrik.
- as he said this, Zachary felt an urge to speak up. He didn't know if he was capable, but he tried:
- Mevrik, what the hell did you just...
- Silence, fucker! - said the goliath. One of his servants put a sword next to Zachary's throat. Scarlett, upon seeing this, did not spoke up yet. She looked at Sevrik, who was still sleeping.
Zachary's mind got filled up with rage. The sense of betrayal, that he felt 16 years ago on that night, hit him again. But also, with that, a lonely thought crossed his mind. One so wrong, so obnoxious, he would be disgusted at himself in every other situation, but this. This. 
He needed to try. To try and contact the only person who knew was watching beside Scarlett. For the sake of everyone. For the sake of his friends.

"If you ever loved me; prove it. Help."
Nothing happened.

The goliath continued:
- So, as you were saying, we get the boy, and we get you to... where exactly?
- Fushireishima. The exact location I will tell after we are farther away. But you need to ensure I'll be safe.
- We can teleport you, that's all. I think it's pretty safe.
- Would you bet your soul on it? - said Mevrik, with a smirk. But deep down, he did not feel joy at all. He hated himself for this. But he knew this needed to be done. For the sake of himself, and his people. And Gaylord.
Even if they get Sevrik, he will try to keep the others away from this.
- Heh. No, I won't do a deal like that, young man. 
- Mevrik, why? - said Scarlett, on a quiet, but threatening voice, looking at the direction of his statue. Her vision was blocked by the goliath, who turned his head towards her:
- Shut it! You're lucky we're not here for you. I still remember. - he turned his head back to face Mevrik:
- What about your companions?
- They will manage. Just leave them. "I cannot do more." - The goliath looked at Sevrik, then Scarlett, then Sevrik again.
- So, deal or not? - as soon as he said this, a shiny bolt almost hit his head. 
The villagers arrived.
The goliath's servant quickly opened up another portal.
- We'll see you soon. - said to Mevrik, then he disappeared into the portal. And with it, the spell also disappeared.

One older villager came up to Scarlett:
- We came as soon as we could, shall we begin de-petrifying your companions, dear?
- Yes, please, thank you...
- Except for that one! - said Zachary, on a cold, hateful voice, interrupting the two. He unseathed one of his shortswords, and put it right next to Mevrik's throat.
- Say one fucking reason for me not to, you prick. 
- But you already said you won't... - he couldn't finish, as Zachary pushed the sword more into his neck. He did not made a cut yet, but Mevrik could feel that he was close to doing so.
- ...okay, okay.
- How the fuck could you do this to us? To Sevrik? - asked Scarlett, who walked up to him as well. Except his head, he was still petrified. - We all trusted you! 
- Trust? Zachary can't even trust himself because his mommy did bad things some fucking decade ago, can you, birdyboy? - Zachary did not answer. He could not see it, as he didn't really focus on the ranger, but a slight, deep purple fog started to sneak into Zachary's eyes from within. 
- And me? I told you about my past, my parents, that me being a doctor is...
- A nurse. Just a nurse, Scarlett, that's a whole different thing. - said Mevrik. He could see that he hit the wors button he could.
Before Scarlett could answer, Sevrik got up, and asked:
- Hey, what is going on here? What happened?
- Ask this treacherous fuckface here. - replied Zachary. His voice was strangely evil. Cold and calculated. Scarlett didn't really notice, but Mevrik could tell something was a bit off here.
- He tried to sell you out to those assassins, that's what happened! - said Scarlett, purely fueled by anger this time. Betrayal, she couldn't stand.
- What?! - gasped Sevrik. He couldn't believe it as well. This was followed by a bit of maddening silence, which Mevrik tried to break:
- Yeah, but Sevrik, listen... 
- I'M SO FULL OF YOUR SHIT, MEVRIK! - screamed the boy. None of the Racist Kindergardeners ever heard him scream like this. 
Mevrik could sense that he will not come back from this. Ever.
- Sevrik, just get over with whatever you want to do, and then we shall move. Idar is waiting in tha capital, you know that. - said a calm voice from behind him. The other's didn't even notice the winged-figure that came with the villagers. She put her hand on Sevrik's shoulder.
- Wait, who? - asked Zachary.
- Idar. My fiancée, I told you about him, no? - replied Sevrik.
Zachary's face fell pale. He heard the name before.
- Idar who? - asked again, with a more broken voice. He lowered his sword from Mevrik's throat.
- Idar Gedge, but why do you... - Sevrik couldn't finish the sentence. 
The blood loss, the betrayal, and this revelation together proved too much for Zachary to bear. He fell down on the snow unconscious.


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