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Stans POV

It was probably close to one in the morning, but it was just a guess, I don't have my phone right now.

I was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk close to the dormitory. I left my room to go on a 'walk' probably ten minutes ago, and usually when you take walks the whole point of it is to get to point B and then back to point A. But I didn't wanna go back to point A right now, I just felt stuck. Like my head couldn't move onto different thoughts.

I haven't drunk in four days, that's the longest I've gone ever since I started, and up until now, I didn't really have any intentions of getting back on it. But right now- I kinda did.

"Um... Stan?" I heard a soft voice from behind me getting closer, and my first thought was hoping that it was Kyle. Before I could turn around a small person walked in front of the bench, "I thought that was you."

"Wendy?" I looked up at her and gradually rolled my eyes while getting up, "I'm not doing this-" I got up and started to walk away, but didn't get far due to her grabbing my wrist.

"Wait- Stan, please." I feel her let go and I turn around.

I sigh, "Wendy there's nothing possibly good that comes out from us talking to each other."

"Ok, you might believe that but I don't. I wanted to tell you I'm sorry..."

I groan out of annoyance, "Ok whatever Wen it's fine, I honestly don't give a flying fuck but-"

"Can't we just be friends at least?! We were better that way anyway!" she got closer to me while looking up at my eyes, sounding desperate.

I looked up at the Black sky pissed-off, but Kyle taught me something- you don't always have to be an asshole. "...and look where being friends took us-"

I watch her as she glances down all sad-like and starts to move away, "Yeah- no I get it..."

"But- I guess people change, right?" I debated on saying that.

She looked back at me with a grin, "You really think so?"

"I hope so." I smile back a little, not really wanting to.

She hugged me while cheering, it made me feel guilty and snobbery almost- like I didn't know what the fuck I was getting into.

She backed up, "Are you going to the party tomorrow? With your friends or- boyfriend?"

"I don't know... I gotta thing later in the day so..."

"It's an all-day type of thing! You could swing by earlier if you want to! I'm like pretty sure the guys are going!"

"Yeah, whatever, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I turned around and walked away, leaving her.

I didn't really know what to think of that 'conversation' if you could even call it that. Either she actually did change a little, or is just trying to get me back even though I literally told her I was fucking gay, which was a lie at the time. But I'm not so sure anymore.

I get back to my room and see Craig sleeping, so I try to get into bed as quietly as possible. I just lay and think about what point my life is at right now, and once I did I couldn't land on a singular answer. That's good.


Kyle's POV

I woke up the next morning at 4:00 in the morning, I guess I was just nervous, and not for a singular reason. Even though my appointment was at 5:30 in the afternoon I was already dressed and everything, the opposite of procrastination.

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