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As Kairos stepped onto the soft carpet of grass, he let his open palms glide along the blades, feeling the cool embrace of nature's touch.

 Kairos walked along the grass, he tilted his head upward, watching the golden sun shower the world with its warm light. The silent surroundings and the freshness of the air created a serene atmosphere, filling him with a sense of peace.

While he continued his leisurely walk, savoring the natural surroundings, the sound of playful footsteps approached from behind Kairos. The patter of a child's running feet echoed in the air, interrupting the peaceful symphony of nature.

["Kairos!!!"] The faint yelling of a child was heard, gradually intensifying as it approached.

Kairos' gaze locked onto the source of the approaching commotion, his emerald eyes widening in curiosity. The rhythmic sound of laughter grew louder as a black-haired child with vibrant purple eyes appeared. The small child, dressed in oversized clothing, sprinted toward Kairos with an infectious energy, his clothes billowing in the wind.

["Juno..?"] Kairos murmured to himself, his pupils contracting in recognition. The figure drew nearer, and before he knew it, Juno jumped onto Kairos, and both of them tumbled onto the soft grass.

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The breeze carried fallen petals and grass blades around Kairos and Juno as they fell. Sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow. They lay on the ground, sharing a moment of youthful joy.

Kairos lay still, processing the unexpected encounter, while Juno, catching his breath, wore a delighted grin beside him.

["Kairo', I found this cool hiding spot, wanna come?"] Juno eagerly suggested, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

["I-I.."] Kairos, wide-eyed, couldn't finish his sentence.

Juno, with an excited gleam in his eyes, took a knee before standing up. He extended a hand toward Kairos, inviting him to join the fun.

["C'mon! It's really cool, I promise."] Juno grinned, his hand still offering to help Kairos.

Kairos gazed at the extended arm offering help to stand. Breaking his gaze, he looked at his optimistic friend.

["Juno Moreau, a child that I met while venturing a year ago. His parents passed away due to unknown reasons when he was very young."] Kairos thought to himself. He took Juno's hand, allowing the cheerful boy to help him stand.

As soon as Kairos held the boy's hand, Juno dragged him up, and the two abruptly sprinted. Kairos followed Juno, curious about where he was leading them.

["W-Where are we headed?" ] Kairos questioned with a hint of worry as they continued their brisk run.

["Just trust me!"] Juno shouted with glee, his voice mixing with the rhythmic thumping of their feet against the ground."

Kairos and Juno dashed through the open fields, and soon, they found themselves on a trail leading into a desolate yet lively forest. The symphony of nature enveloped them—the rustling leaves, the melodic chirping of birds, and the refreshing scent of rivers. However, their swift pace prevented Kairos from fully observing the beauty around him.

Juno, determined and focused, led the way toward the 'hiding spot' he had excitedly shared with Kairos.

Their breaths heavy and hearts racing, Juno turned to Kairos with a smile, before leading him off the path. The sound of rushing water grew louder, and as they reached their destination, Kairos' ears buzzed, and his eyes danced with a myriad of colors. Before them stood a magnificent, giant waterfall, a breathtaking spectacle of nature.

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