*Temporary Hold*

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    Yeah no, the title of the chapter isn't me goofing off or what not. As of today Addicted is on TEMPORARY HOLD...emphasis on the TEMPORARY bit so, you know, don't go chucking your phone at the cat or something; just hold on for a sec would you.

    Alright before I say anything, let me restate, this whole on hold thing is just a kind of stay still and take a breather sort of thing; I very much plan on returning to this series at some point. Believe me when I say that I love this series, I love mostly what I've done with it, and I'm genuinely happy with where it is, and I DO plan on coming back as soon as I can...buuuut...

      This story is just a huge problem; I'm sorry.

      The thing is is that I quite literally have NOTHING planned for this story from here on out, and before you start pointing fingers and calling me lazy, which is valid, I mean I literally have nothing for this story in my noggin. No ending, no next chapter or arc, just void and total absence of ideas...and it's kinda been like this for a while so to speak...

     Everytime I came up with like the last five chapters, that was because I had to FORCE myself to think of something, not sit down, actively brainstorm, etc etc. And for a while that seemed to work, and I sorta put this hold on, funnily enough, hold by then...and then came last chapter. Where I had ended up wasting over two whole weeks to produce a half-assed 'aftermath' chapter of all things that quite honestly, in my opinion at least, was just atrocious.

     Not only that, but, as some of you may know, I have OTHER stories that need their own amount of attention. Sorry to make it seem like playing favorites, but it's one thing for me to actively make a shitty post for you little bean bags, but it's another thing for it to cut into my schedule of posting chapters for my other stories, which of whom I actually have ideas going for them. So sorry to kinda blue ball you guys, but that's where I tend to draw the line honestly.

     But there's some other things as well.

    For one, and I cannot stress this enough, I mostly do this whole writing gig for three letters. F. U. N. And I've actually kinda come to realize that I haven't BEEN having fun writing this story for quite a while, so much so that whenever I actually get around to it I act like it's just a huge hassle to get over with already. This further kinda ruins the story I feel like, because, and these are my own thoughts speaking here, an engaged author means a good story, and a good story means a happy set of viewers/ author.

    I love you guys, and I honestly can't thank you enough for reading my garbanzo beans worthy writing, but when I'm not satisfied with my work, yet feel like I have no other choice but to post it to maintain a weekly to bi-weekly schedule, it kinda defeats my original purpose of writing.

      But, like I said, I love you guys, it's the reason why I actually wrote last chapter instead of just ending it two or three chapters earlier; I wanted you guys to at the very least feel satisfied with where the story is at at least. Because I also write for YOUR entertainment, and I know for a fact that the least entertaining thing you can do as an author on this app is write a compelling story that people love, finally get to the moment of climax that everyone has been waiting for...

     Only to just put it all on hold and ruin hundreds of peoples day's.

      Which is why I'm kinda satisfied with where I'm leaving you guys off at for now. A good-ish way to say farewell for the time being. Izuku and Himiko are together, they are left off on a good note, and there isn't too many potholes to make you guys too upset hopefully.

     The last reason I'm doing this is simply because I've been wanting to explore new ideas, make some new pilot chapters, and maybe even invest them into full fledged series' of I get the chance. And please use this as a statement that it's not the AMOUNT of stories that's ruining this one, it's just simply my own lack of interest in it as of recently.

     Alright then, I feel like that's enough of me trying to sugar coat this whole thing for you all then. I hope that you guys aren't too upset about this, and I hope that you've enjoyed reading this story alongside me.

     But for now, thank you for swimming alongside me for this story, and I hope to eventually come back to this as soon as I can friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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