The fairy council

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New"bees" has added ilikepurple, Emerald_girl, fire_boi, and four others to the chat.

Fire_boi: TanGerIna w hAt iS thIS?

Emerald_girl: ...@fire_boi 

Fire_boi: Wh A t? @Emerald_girl

New"bees": Technology! Alex gave us phones, right?

B.L.E, T.F.G: Yeah.

Fisher: yEah w HAT is ThIs i AgrEE wiT h @fire_boi. @New"bees"

Tambourine: Since y'all are upset, time for a tambourine solo!

* Literally everyone dies*

ilikepurple: Lucy NO

Waterfall has renamed this chat "The Fairy Council"

Waterfall: Wait @B.L.E, T.F.G aren't you dead?

Tambourine: Aren't your brain cells dead? Oh wait! You never had any, you walking puddle!

Waterfall: Good idea!

Waterfall is now called Walking Puddle

WalkingPuddle: Thanks Lucy

Tambourine: ...

New"bees": Oh wait! 

New"bees" has added EveryRoseHasThorns to the chat

Comment your favorite character and why! Mine is Lucy or Tangerina because they are like me-ish.

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