
13 1 2

QueenOfIce: Sisters! We must avenge ourselves!

Daughterofdeath: Who are you calling "sisters"

QueenOfIce: Who invited this little ***** in this chat?

B.L.E, T.F.G: Me.

InsectQueen: #Guysbrystalsnotawitch

Stitches: *slowly munches on popcorn*

QueenOfIce has removed B.L.E, T.F.G from the chat.

Stitches: Lady, it was just getting interesting!

UnfortunateSouls: Queenies right. Who invited her?

LittleMissBushy: Brystal just said so.

Sssnakesss: My queen, with all due respect, @Stitches is right. It was just getting interesting.

SewerMuncher: Yeah, @Sssnakesss is right. 

SpiderWitch: *steals popcorn*

Stitches: Hey! No fair! You have *counts intensely* eight legs! And I *counts intensely again* two!

SpiderWitch:😑😑😑 it's online @Stiches

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