-The 'friends'-

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It's been a few weeks, you & Wilbur have gotten closer & closer, your just friends nothing more. In that time you got some new 'friends' their names are Max, Abby & Piper.

Max has dark black hair, Blue eyes & has no taste of style.

Abby is a brunette with Green eyes & Loves dressing fancy to school.

Piper has brown hair, Blue eyes & Has no style for the life of her.

You hang out with Piper mainly but Max acts weird around you. You decide to brush it off & enjoy hanging out with them, you haven't talked to Tommy or Ranboo for around 3 days, But you hang out with Wilbur a lot more then you did

"Bro did you hear about what happened with Wilbur & Avery?!" Abby asks.

"No what happened?" You ask.

"They became a couple!" 

"They what..?" 

"Yeah it's all the news! You didn't hear?" Max says.

"N-No..Excuse me..Please..I'm going to the bathroom." You say to them as you run off holding back tears.

You make it to the unisex bathroom & start crying but quietly so no one can hear.

Suddenly there's a knock on the unisex stall, they ask you.

"Are you alright..?"

You recognize this voice. It's Wilbur, you hide your face in your hoodie & put a mask on.

You open the stall door & ask.

"Are-you-dating-Avery..?" You say the words quickly & together, Wilbur looks puzzled on why you would think that.

"Uhm no? I don't like her, I told you this" Wilbur responds as he hugs you tight.

You feel safe in his arms. It's warm & cozy. He pulls out his guitar & offers to play for you. You agree & he starts playing 'your new boyfriend'. You start singing the lyrics since Wilbur Soot is one of your favourite artists.

Wilbur is a bit shocked you know the lyrics to this song. He doesn't want you knowing who he is because of people using him.


Wilbur's POV:

Y/n started singing the lyrics to my song. I almost fell back & tripped. I..Really like y/n..They're pretty..Kind..And they love my music! I would never like Avery. 

I do wonder why she asked that to me. Did Avery spread a rumor that isn't true? Ugh I'm gonna fight this bitch..

"Hey y/n? I've got a 'thing' I need to take care of, I'll be in the hallway by Physics class."

"Oh alright Wil! I'll be out soon!" Y/n replies.

I go off to find Avery. Apparently she's a good fighter. I have large doubts in that, but again she could be.

I find Avery by physics class in the hall & say to her.

"Hello Avery, Care to fight?" 

Avery looks shocked.

"I want something if I win though.." Avery replies sounding evil.

"What is it?"

"You. I want you to be my boyfriend." 

I become silent for a moment before saying.


We start the fight & she takes the first punch.


Y/n's POV:

I see people cheering on 2 names. Avery & Wilbur. I'm confused by why this is happening & push my way through the crowd to the front. I see Wilbur on the ground while Avery is standing above him. Without thinking I run in & punch Avery.

"Y/n?!" Wilbur calls out.

"Oh you're gonna regret that.." Avery says harshly.

You get scared. You know you can't fight. You look over to my right to see Tommy, Ranboo & Tubbo being held back by...

"Max?! Piper?! Abby!?" "LET GO OF THEM!" You shout out.

The teachers are all outside chatting so they cannot hear the commotion.

You don't realise that Avery goes to punch me. She hits you in my stomach. It was extremely painful but then everyone is yelling what Avery wanted if Wilbur lost.

"She wants Wilbur!!" "If Wilbur lost she gets him as her boyfriend!!"

You start kicking, punching & going full on, on Avery.

Eventually you win as Wilbur is almost passed out in pain, you order your 'friends' to let Tubbo, Tommy & Ranboo go. They do as told & run away. You grab Wilbur & Tubbo goes to grab the teachers & a nurse.

-20 minutes later-

Wilbur is asleep in the nurse's office while you are waiting for him to wake your scrolling on tiktok & watching edits of Wilbur Soot. You start to notice how Wilbur kinda looks like Soot. You brush it off & continue.

-5 minutes later- 

Wilbur wakes up & you hug him tight.


"Hey y/n"

"How are you feeling?" Asks Tubbo.

"Better" Wilbur responds.

-Later at y/n's house-

3rd pov:

Y/n is seen watching Wilbur Soot's stream & is fangirling by the fact he's so calming.

Y/n recognizes the voice, not from the streams she watches but rather from..School..


Tubbo walks in

"What's going on?"

"Tubs you play with Wilbur soot on the Dream smp right?" You ask.

"Yes why?" He responds.

"Don't you think he acts like Wil? From school?"

"Yeah he does." "I'll tell ya what, i'll get in a call with Wilbur from the smp since he's live."

"Really? Can I talk with him?!" You ask excitedly.

"Sure sis" Tubbo responds.


-Buddy has joined your channel-

"Oh hey Tubbo!" Wilbur says.

"He-" Tubbo gets cut off.

"HII WILBUR SOOT!!" You say excited.

Wilbur goes silent.

"Is that Lani Tubbo?" Wilbur asks.

"No this is my other sister, Y/n!" Tubbo responds.

"Oh well uh...Hi y/n..!" Wilbur calms himself down.

Wilburs POV: 

I was just normally streaming when I heard the buddy joined your channel coming from discord.

It was Tubbo, but not only Tubbo it was..Y/n..

*Does she know?! Please no..* 

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