EP. OO1 .. Comeback

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It shows a tour of a school. It seems like a creative anime intro as a beautiful melody of electric-guitar is playing.

AUTHOR: rirismileyyu
INTRODUCING: Anime-pun Highschool, a Class Of O9 fanmafe story.

After a ridiculous anime intro, it shows a nerd in his room, imitating how cool hot guys play the electric-guitar. His room was full of anime-girl posters and bodypillows, he had a bookshelf full of his little Japanese book which are called Mangas. Jeffery was a boy with a haircut shaped like a ramen bowl with huge ass glasses, he also white, skinny and frail. Just by his appearance, you could tell that he's an anime nerd kid..yikes. The nerd kept imitating the cool way how to play the guitar until.. "Jeffery dear, come down here and eat your breakfast! It's your first day of school today!" The woman with a melodic voice shouted with a soft tone making it sound like she's not mad. And there the nerd was, he was introduced.
Jeffery then shouted back with also a soft tone "Okay Mom!" He then turned off his phone which was playing the instrumental of an electric-guitar solo and ran down stairs with a smile, he made his way from the stairs, from the living room, to the dining room. Jeffery's mother placed down the food, as there was an old hag sitting on the stool at the kitchen, cleaning and taking care of his Shotgun like it was his very own baby. The food was then placed on the table and Jeffery and his mother sat on their seats and ate their food, Jeffery and his mother had a conversation while they ate their breakfast.

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