EP. OO2 .. Choice

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..."The Bullies go nowhere, and smart kids like you become notable adults!" Jeffery's mother promised him that inorder for him not to feel nervous around people. It's been a few minutes after Jeffery and his beloved mother ate, his father was silent and took care of his gun, blatantly ignoring the both of them, the mother looked slightly furious but didn't mind it. Jeffery felt concerned between the two of them but didn't have the guts to say anything about it, he took a quick and comfortable shower and changed clothing as he prepared his items and his bag for the school. Although, he's.. Pathetic, he can't even tie his own shoes he had his mom tie his shoes for himself, and right before he went outside and walked to the school, he cleaned his glasses. And his eyes were.. Dude i don't know! Not to break the whole fourth wall as a narrator or anything but not even Wikipedia knows his eye color and what his eyes look like. Continuing on, he went down stairs with his bag and before he opened the door, he shouted "I'm gonna go to school now. Bye mom! Bye dad!" He exclaimed with a soft smile of delight, he then opened the door took a step outside, the weather was nice. He then made his way to the school, which was about 12 minutes away from his house. After 12 minutes he arrived at school and he smiled at the familiarity of the school and it's new changes. He hurried his way inside and made a swift haste to a classroom, he sat there and hummed patiently but it's been 2 minutes and he felt bored. He grabbed one of his.. Ugh, Japanese Anime books and went to the main area to read them as he was waiting patiently for class to start, he had a watch to keep track of time, it was slightly.. concerning how he has no shame of being bullied, he always kept up a cartoon voice along with his skinny frail shape of body. Imagine him in a black hoodie, who knows if he'd be a school shooter? After a few minutes, it was still early, Jeffery heard the rumors about a new student named Nicole he had his hopes up, knowing he has NO experience in female interaction besides his mother, the only interaction he had with women is when he was being bullied. But ofcourse, he didn't care eventually and just focused on his little manga books. And then suddenly, a white boy with a fucked up haircut that's so fucked up that he looks like a mafia wannabe comes up to Jeffery and starts laughing at him and his little manga books, turns out his name was..Trody? Holy shit even his name screams 'iM a SoN of the MaFiA!' The others was around, there was a kid looking seven months old, a salvadoran kid, another nerd kid that's a girl and based on her looks she looks she has an eating disorder but ofcourse they didn't do anything cause.. He was a weirdo, there was ofcourse a meangirl there but she just gossiped around there and the others eventually left, leaving Jeffery and Trody alone. Jeffery felt upset and offended by Trody's words but decided to ignore it, by remembering his mother's words. But then suddenly, Trody grabbed Jeffery's attention by kicking his backpack full of his Mangas. Jeffery decided to fight back. "Hey! Stop kicking it. This backpack holds priceless reading materials!" He shouted furiously, as he tried to push Trody away but there was barely an effect on Trody. "Oh yeah like what?" He asks sarcastically, and chuckled slightly before continuing his sentence "The Bernstein Bears Make Eye Contact?" Trody said as a sarcastic example of his stupid little reading materials. But Jeffery didn't let his guard down and still had the courage to even fight back against Trody "Hey. What is this? Fourth grade? It is home to some of my favorite manga books." He said, clearly enraged. But Trody found it satisfying on how pathetic Jeffery looked, but speaking of manga, he doesn't even know manga. "Manga? What is it..like..Asian or something?" Trody asked, actually clueless. "Japanese, Thank you! Some of which go on to be very popular TV shows." Jeffery responded, with a deep tone, showing that he was serious but he still looked so.. Pathetic. "Wait, can't you watch half of those on cartoon channels? Why the hell would you read it?" Trody asked curiously, which ended up enraging Jeffery even more "Rghh! That's it!"

That's all for now in this episode, should I add Nicole trying to protect Jeffery or?

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