You have been doing it wrong

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You know I've always wondered what it takes to be successful in today's world? The 21st century success hits different when our ocean is filled with hungry sharks. Oh and yes they want it easy and fast. That's how the quick-rich schemes are thriving in today's world because some of us are that "sharks" that eventually fall into that trap.

I've come to a realization everybody talks about motivation because that's the proven ingredient to success right? But more than ever I believe we got it wrong. You have been doing it wrong all this while.

It's consistency that needs to be the main ingredient to success in today's world. Do you know why? Because we have been trained to get things immediately. You are hungry? No worries, order food online and get it delivered to your doorstep.

You want to shop? No worries, do it online plus it's way cheaper with the coupons provided. In simple word, we can do anything and everything today without moving our body with just one simple touch.

Everything is made easier but with every industry revolution comes a downfall pit that goes unnoticed. Do you know what it is?

We are now trained to want success NOW. We want it fast. We want it with lesser obstacles. We want shortcuts. But we forgot success takes time. We forgot success is slow. We forgot success is made of multiple failures. We forgot success requires great deal of patience. We forgot success requires consistency even when we don't see the results after some time. We forgot this.

If you'd ask me today more than ever it's consistency that matters more than motivation. There are great tons of videos, podcasts, books, articles and materials all there to get you pumped. But what happens when the fuel runs out?

Are you going to depend on motivation to refuel? Are you going to train yourself to be and feel motivated to run your errands? Are you going to depend on an external source of motivation to achieve your dream life?

You can honey but let me tell you this. It never last long. But I do know one source that never runs out. You can get it anytime and anywhere. Do you know what it is?

It's that motivation that resides within your soul. All you have to do is find for it.

"Everything you have been searching for was here all this while. All you had to do was look for it."

Coupled with your inner drive, it's consistency that fuels your growth. Because there will be days where you just don't feel like it. Where you just don't feel motivated to do anything.

It's those days where "consistency" would knock on your door and remind you every daily step counts. No matter how small or big it is. It compounds into your dream life at the end of the day. You never want to break the chain.

You like it or not, just do it! You are motivated or not, just do it! Just do it!

I believe in you.

Yours, Asrajjit Kaur

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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