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      Violet sat across the dining. She has been working over night. She was stressed out, hasn't been eating. Her head hurt, the door clicked open. She couldn't look up. Been feeling light headed for a while.

"Violet!" Alexander Scott rushed to her side. He pushed her seat back. She blacked out. Alex was there to catch her in time.

       She opened her eyes then blinked. She was in her room. She didn't have any memory of coming to her room. Alex came in with a tray of food. She sat up straight, he dropped the tray on her reading table.

"I figured out you didn't eat so I made you this," he straightened his shirt avoiding her eyes. She titled her head watched him keenly then slowly asked.
"You cook?" She chuckled lightly. "Hope my kitchen's intact, Alex." He pursed his lips, she made fun of him.

"You didn't think I could right?" She nodded standing up from the bed, took slow and steady steps to the table. Took a bite of the pancake. Alex crossed his fingers praying silently.

"Not bad," she took her seat taking in her meal. Alex sat at the edge of the bed.
"Violet, you need to get something into your stomach. You look emaciated." Violet's eyes nearly popped out of its socket, choked on her food. She helped herself with a glass of water.

"Honestly, you don't look yourself. Take a day off." Violet laughed. Only if he knew what she was involved in he would have ran for his life.

"Alex, I can't do that. My dad needs me," did she just call that murderer, dad?
"See, he's your father. Just talk to him," she continued eating totally ignoring him. Alex sat watching her.

       Into the night, Violet took her motorbike out dressed in black. She rode on her bike down the street. Drove to an alley, jumped off and leaned her bike on the wall. Three more bikes rode in, they took out their guns. She beckoned them, loaded her gun, they sneaked into the building.

    Violet signaled her team about the CCTV. She hid and studied the camera and it's movement. Took out her gun, attached the silencer then shot the cameras.
"Coast clear," she ran into the building, they got into the room. She came in last. She held the man at gunpoint, he shivered in fear. She loved the look of fear on her victims. She slapped the gun across his face, his forehead broke.

"Where's the file?" Georgia spoke with venom. He shivered once more scrambling to get the file. He handed it to them. They turned to leave following orders.
Violet held the door knob, she abruptly spun on her heel gave him a head shot and blew the tips of the gun. She glanced at the dead body once more confirming his death. She placed a call to him.
"He's dead."

       She raked of gunsmoke. Getting out of that building wasn't an easy task. She ripped her outfit, stepped into the shower. She let the water run from her hair to the tub. Her mum crossed her mind.

   I'm so proud of you princess, I love you.

Tears stung her eyes, she loved her mum so much. Recalling the incident increased her hatred for Ross Freeman.
He chose his empire over his family.
She hates him!!

Ross took Dana Boulevard, his fiance to a fancy restaurant. Dana clung unto his arms. She smiled at him. Ross relaxed a bit. Took a seat out for her being a gentleman, she sat down. He knew her for three months. Although he wanted to move on, he still held unto his wife. Gravy was just the woman for him and not Dana. His friends advised him to marry her.

"When am I gonna meet your kids?" Ross placed his order turning to her.
"They aren't kids, Dana." She shrugged her shoulders.
"About meeting them, I'll make arrangements for that." The waiter arrived with their order.

He didn't order much. "In your home or a restaurant?" Dana asked taking a few bite of her meal.
"Mine preferably. It isn't a hundred guarantee that my daughter would be present," he didn't look at her. He played with his food thinking of Violet.

"She rarely comes home, Dana. Don't expect her," Ross took a quick glance at her. Dana hung her head low.
"What happened to your wife?" Ross narrowed his gaze at her. This was a date and not an interrogation meeting.

His grip on his cutlery tightened, "I'll rather not talk about it."
"Ross, you can't hide that from me," she threw a tantrum. He got fed up, walked out of her sight and the place.

        Violet reported to the Dreads by dusk. She walked through the hallway rolling her sleeves. Her long crimson wavy hair danced behind her. She tie her hair into a messy bun once she got into the computer room. She met Georgia on a system. She took her seat.

"What happened?" Georgia typed in some codes then replied, "second attack by the Criptons," Violet logged in. Took a look at the screen then asked, "what time?"

Georgia, a good friend of hers glance at her.
"1900 hours," Violet watched the video footage intensely. The Criptons fired brutally, people dropped dead quickly. People on black hoodies fought with her people....
She turned it off.

"Our men are letting their guards down. People dropped dead without raging a fight, Red. That's not how it's done," Violet ran her hand through her hair.
"What do you suggest? Obviously Roy won't listen to us except the orders are from the boss."
Emily who was silent in the room finally spoke. Violet leaned on her seat thinking for awhile.

"Training should be intensified. It is a work over for them and they are weak." Georgia agreed with her but it just can't happen.
"We need the boss' permission," Violet let out a light chuckle, clicked her tongue and added, "you meet him."

Emily cracked her fingers,"as much as I'll love to go up there but it seems you're the better choice."
Violet gaze hardened on her. Emily felt it but she shrugged. Glared back at her giving her the same energy. Violet rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Violet, you should get going," Violet slowly smiled.
"Georgia should go," Violet suggested. Emily's expression hardened. She was dead serious. "Violet now!!" After all Emily's the boss in their team. Violet clenched her jaws. As much as she'll love to drill a bullet in her head, she was indeed right. Ross would listen to her. She stormed out of the room, Emily smiled.

Violet Where stories live. Discover now