xXxX_Chapter Two_XxXx

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*i yelped at the extremely loud sound of my alarm And fell off the couch i looked over left And right to see debbie is eating from her bowl i sighed i religh glad that i didnt accidentally hurt her,i looked at my phone to see over 49 messages from poppy And i just Looked at them*
Barb:the fuck ,did She just not sleep or some shit,i remembered that i didnt take my head phones off so i unpluged them from my phone And put them on the couch,i got another call from her And i answered to just get it done with*
Poppy:hey i am at your door!
*i was in shock then i remembered She knows my Adress but that didnt stop it as i was still in shock and i didnt know what to think currently*

Barb:y-you what!?
Poppy:you heard me girl!,come on n open the noor!
Barb:i How do you even know were i live?!
Poppy:oh i followed you to ur house last night
Barb:thats basicaly stalking!
Poppy:i aint a killer Calm downnn
Barb:i....fine ill open it
*poppy hung up And semingly knocked at my front door,i still didnt know what to think,i stayed silent And didnt open it for a few moments debating if i should call the police or just get this over with,i mean its not such a big deal but at the same time it is,actually i just dont care,i opened the door She seemed happy,She pulled me outside*

Poppy:come on lets go hang out with ur friendzy!
Barb:its too early for this its like 7 am i wanna sleep still
Poppy:okey ill carry ya to my house to hang out then
Barb:w-wait w-
*before i could react She picked me up i struggled*
Barb:H-hey let go off me pipsquick!
Poppy:nope lets go now!

*i stayed quiet And just let this happen as i atleast didnt have to walk but it still pissed me the fuck off about her carrying me around as if i was nothing but a branch that She picked up,i did how ever fall asleep becuase i was still tired And stayed up till 1am,i woke up to be in what was an extremely pop like And bright pink room,god it hurted my eyes!*
Barb:my eyes!this ugly ass colour!(so rude😂)
(poppys room was like this but without the weird guy photo)

*i stayed quiet And just let this happen as i atleast didnt have to walk but it still pissed me the fuck off about her carrying me around as if i was nothing but a branch that She picked up,i did how ever fall asleep becuase i was still tired And ...

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*i covered my eyes and heard a giggle behind me,i realised my head was on her lap,i sat right up whitout hitting her chin wich i tought would happen but i was never the less glad it didn't happen,i looked around the very strange room a bit to just get my eyes used to this ugly colour i was always more of a dark black And red kind of person,never liked pink,never liked it at all*
Barb:right...She carried me here
*i said quietly my voice lower then a wisper And more then a mumble*
Poppy:so anything you wanna eat?i have cupcakes!
Barb:oh uhm no thenks ill pass
*i wasnt about to eat anything here what if She drugged or poisoned it,i looked at her apearance,She seemed to be in some sort of idk what kind of clothes but they looked very weird to me

(whats She wore)

Barb:why on gods name are you wearing that terrible thing

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Barb:why on gods name are you wearing that terrible thing...
Poppy:is everything i wear terrible to ya?
Barb:almost half way,yes
*i said that to make her confused And it seemed to work*
Poppy:oh you probably dont like pink thats why hehe!
*She giggled,god was that the stupidest thing She has done,but yea no i hate pink its disgusting to me,i mean why wouldnt it be(i like it tho) its the worst colour*
Barb:so what time is it
Poppy:like 13:38
Barb:ok so i will just go home i dont care at staying here any longer
Poppy:ofc your free to come And leave whenever!,ill show you to were to go to get to it!since i dont think that yk
Barb:sure ik
*i didnt know but ill find out i dont really fucking care anyways,She took my hand And took me out the pink room,i was now in some Better but still bad room

Poppy:is everything i wear terrible to ya?Barb:almost half way,yes*i said that to make her confused And it seemed to work*Poppy:oh you probably dont like pink thats why hehe!*She giggled,god was that the stupidest thing She has done,but yea no i h...

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*atleast it wasnt completely pink And there was some black i could handle this more then the other disease of a room,that She has me put up with,She And i walked outside And i for sure didnt remember the sun being so bright,yet again this is her territory of the village thing,ofcourse its gana be vibrant,i just remembered that last night the trolls at her musical were smilling And they had pink glowy eyes,i would ask her about it but i dont wanna know becuase what kind of answer will i resieve if i said,your fans at ur music thingy had glowy pink eyes why is that,hah like what will i resieve,*

(they walked for half an hour)
Barb:damn your place is really far away
Poppy:sure is!
*now am wondering How tf did She even manage to carry me,She looks unfazed by the walking And i am not becouse i was usually the type to just yell And scream waile playing the electric guitar,i noticed we were here now*
Barb:ok bye now hope u die
Poppy:your welcome!ill see ya later!byeeeeeee!
*She yelled as she ran to her place semmingly happy,i went in my house and debbie looked scared*"aww my baby i am sorry i wasnt here you hungry!"*i asked her as i hugged her,i feed her And she seemed to go to sleep,its just her routin i wont juge her for it nor try to change something She has alot of rights And lives rent free,i went to The (idk what they call that place)And there was alot of rock trolls like always And it always should be,becouse if i see a pop troll they will get beatej to death*.

Barb:carol!were are ya

*She didnt answer*
Barb:your busy got it!
*i said as i looked around i know this place but i wantet to see if there was a new comer or that someone that i didnt see before was here but there was no one SO i contineud my way to were everyone was,*

(am gana skip her day becuase i wanna make it scenes that aint that boring)

*after(whatever She was doing)i got home And slipped my boots off And feed debbie again,i played with her for awaile She didnt like getting much attention so i respected that but i still played with her becuase i dont wanna make her feel ignored even tho She knows i love her,i changed the strings off my guitar becuase they were broken And damage from my playing And i put it in the music closet carrefully(idk if u have that but i do)And i went to go eat aswel since i forgot to eat today,i made some eggs And bacon becuase why tf not and i began to eat,after i was finnished i went to go on my phone And scrolled trough some random things that i didnt see yet,i did find poppy acc And i just ignored it becuase if i block or interact with it shed know And i dont plan on dealing with her shit today,even tho i alr had,i slipped on my pijamas And went to bed,i managed to fall asleep quicker then usuall wich is Good becuase itl be boring to stay up again*

(Ok so it took long becuase i didnt have any ideas for it half the time And i worked on the other one too,becuas yes,i hope you liked this chapter And ill be happy if i manage to write the next one faster)

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