Chapter 18

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Dami's POV:

In the magnificent hall, "Alla Turca" is being played at the moment. With its light and cheerful melody, it has put many in a relaxed mood. Yet, my emotions could not find peace. After greeting another guest, I finally got a chance to stay in a quiet corner. Observing various kinds of people at the banquet, my thoughts suddenly drifted far away...

I wondered how Marinette was doing at home. Would she be hungry? Would she be bored?

Thinking of Marinette, my originally cold demeanor suddenly softened. I need to quickly deal with these imbecile people so I can go home to see my beloved Marinette... With this thought, I took the initiative to engage in conversation with others. But I had only taken a few steps when I overheard some discussions around the corner. They weren't afraid that someone might hear and speak directly.

"Was that Bruce Wayne's illegitimate child just now? Bruce Wayne actually brought him to the Wayne family openly and even hosted a banquet to announce his identity. How can his wife tolerate this?"

"You've just returned to the country and probably don't know. Bruce Wayne divorced his wife half a year ago. So, what's so surprising about bringing his illegitimate child back now?"

"Tsk tsk, no wonder. Then, what about the son Bruce Wayne had with his wife?"

"You mean Aion? I heard he was sent abroad a long time ago. I really can't understand the Wayne family's thinking. Do they intend to let an illegitimate child inherit the family business?"

Hearing these whispers, I clenched my fists, but in the end, I didn't react and just walked away quickly because what they said was true.

A prince and Cinderella fell in love. Later, Cinderella became pregnant. But in the end... the prince didn't marry Cinderella, he married the princess and lived happily ever after. After Cinderella gave birth, the prince ignored both mother and child because the princess was also pregnant. Why would he care about an illegitimate child when he has a child with the princess? However, many years later, the prince suddenly discovered that the child the princess gave birth to was not his own. Only then did he remember his child outside...

I was that child. All these years, my father had always ignored me. If not for the Wayne family's obsession with continuing their lineage, he wouldn't have been acknowledged. I never really wanted to acknowledge the Wayne family. A few years ago, I would have vehemently refused all the benefits offered by the Wayne family. But now, I accepted them... Because people change, and one day, they will bow to reality, just like his mother did.

When my mother was pregnant with me, she was only twenty years old. Then, my father refused to take responsibility and urged her to abort. Her parents and friends also persuaded her to do the same. But she insisted on giving birth to me. In the first two years, because his grandparents were conservative, they didn't really care about the mother and son due to the unwed pregnancy. But later, seeing their daughter struggling, they helped take care of me.

After that, my mother focused on work and didn't really care for me. My grandparents raised me. As I grew up, my mother's work got busier, often traveling. Sometimes, we wouldn't see each other for months. Our lack of interaction made our bond weaker than other mother-son relationships, but Chen Mu still believed that his mother loved him. One night, when I was nine, I overheard a conversation between my mother and my grandparents.

"You were the one who insisted on having Damian. How can you abandon him now?"

"Dad! That was years ago. I was only twenty and didn't know the challenges I'd face!"

"Now, with him as a burden, how can I remarry?"

I was young and innocent and didn't understand the term "burden," but I realized that my mother was considering abandoning me. So I immediately hugged her and cried, "Mama, don't leave me, I'll be good..."

"... Mama wasn't serious. It was just a moment of frustration."

I believed her. But one day, she told me she would be away for a month. Then, she never returned.

She met a wealthy overseas businessman who wanted to marry her but didn't want to raise another man's child. So, she left me to live abroad. Our only connection was the money she sent every month. At twenty, she defied all odds to have me. At thirty, she left me without hesitation. Indeed, ten years can completely change a person... No, perhaps even two or three years is enough.

In the past two years, I have changed a lot, but one thing remains the same: my love for Marinette. My love has only grown deeper with time. Initially, the thought of imprisoning Marinette was fleeting and filled with self-contempt. But over time, the idea persisted, and I finally acted on it. But I couldn't just keep her in any house... I wanted a better life for my beloved angel (Marinette).

That is why I acknowledged the Wayne family. If they're willingly offering, why shouldn't I accept? With these thoughts, I felt less resistant to the banquet. The banquet began at 10 in the morning and was almost over by now. After the banquet, I still didn't leave the Wayne residence because my father had mentioned over the phone that he would need to accompany him to another dinner party in the evening.

But there was still time before that dinner, so I planned to go home first to check on Marinette. However, just as I was about to leave, my father said he wanted to have a serious talk with me.

"Damian, when will you consider joining the family business?" my father pondered for a while and finally decided to voice his question.

I responded coldly, "...I've said it before, I have my own path."

Hearing this, my father was taken aback.

Seeing that he didnt reply, I ignored him and checked on my phone. However, I wasnt just idly browsing. I had installed a hidden camera in the room where I confined Marinette. I picked up my phone to check on her. When I accessed the surveillance, I found the room empty. Marinette was nowhere in sight. I was covered in cold sweat. Trembling, I quickly checked the surveillance feed for the bathroom.

But she wasn't there either...

Gone...? Did she escape?

Upon realizing that Marinette had disappeared, I couldn't sit still any longer. Ignoring my father's calls to stay, I rushed out of the Wayne residence.

She had promised not to leave... Why... Why...


Thank you for reading this story! Do you think Damian can get Marinette back? If you like this story, please press the little star⭐⭐⭐🤩🤩🤩🤩If the star is over 18, I will publish the next chapter the next day. I'll see you all in the next chapter. Xoxo... 😘

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