The Murder of a Hero

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(Timeline: During the Final battle against Gaea at Camp Half-Blood)

3rd person pov

Weapons clashed and rang, The sound vibrating into the bones of demigod and monster alike. The Romans and Greeks fighting for their world and everything they stood for... Together. Meanwhile the 7 were fighting a battle of their own. Gaea had them trapped. Absolutely nothing they could do against her power. All of them were frozen in one place because of Her. Even the metal dragon had been crushed by the roots. Their bodies were bound to the ground with roots slowly creeping over them. Even Annabeth, the daughter of wisdom didn't know what to do.

Gaea licked her lips as she looked at the fighting around her and back at the demigods in front of her. She looked in their eyes and saw that they were all frozen in fear. Except for one. He had that cold and calculating look in his eyes as if assessing her for weaknesses. And suddenly his face calmed, forming a decision. He noticed her staring at him and sneered at her. Gaea shuddered but remain calm on the outside and decide to get rid of him first. She raised her voice in a deadly lilt, hardly whispering, but somehow everyone heard her." Look at you, fighting so bravely against your enemies knowing that you will be defeated. You thought that a mere statue would make you win. I will crush you one by one in front of your friends, brothers, sisters and loved ones. I will give you one last choice. Surrender and you will be allowed to live or Die with shame knowing you lost"

Not a single demigod surrendered. But then the screaming started. roots flowed out of the ground faster than the wind and snaked themselves across the bodies of the demigods. When everyone was stuck in a cocoon of their own. Gaea spoke at last " I would like to execute your heroes first. Starting with the one you treasure the most." A thin smile flitted across her face and she turned, bending down to pick up her sword, but the next second she felt a sharp pain from her chest and she was lifted off the ground and was floating in water. When she looked down she saw a blade of celestial bronze protruding from her chest and twisted to see who had struck her... Right into the face of Perseus Jackson, the one who had been smirking in his cocoon. With her last breaths she screamed out. " He is my spy, he betrayed me just like he will do to you in the future."

She slowly crumbled into nothing along with her army and the bonds which held everyone.

Then chaos unfolded...... All the Olympian gods flashed in and Zeus boomed in a loud, threatening tone which promised death to everyone who spoke a single word." Everyone stay quiet, Perseus Jackson will be given the verdict he deserves in the throne room"

Percy pov

I was feeling confused. Why was everyone believing Gaea and not believing me. Even though I had saved Olympus twice. I felt a bright flash of light. And I was suddenly in Olympus....In chains.

Zeus had a proud smirk on his face and the others just looked disappointed. Except for Poseidon who looked angry enough to blow up the throne room. Before Zeus could say a single word. Poseidon Bellowed "Perseus Jackson is deprived of his title 'the son of Poseidon'. I, Poseidon god of the ocean, earthquakes and horses hereby disown Perseus Jackson"

As soon as my fa- Poseidon finished his sentence, I doubled over in pain. I felt all of my power creep into my chest and explode outward toward his throne where his hand was outstretched for it. It stopped inches from his hand and began a slow descent towards me. Poseidon leaped after it, but it had settled back in my chest. And the trident which I had last seen when I was twelve appeared on my head only to be washed away by a bright blue wave. Everyone gasped but I didn't notice. Probably because I was still doubled over in pain. But I did catch a few murmurs something about being claimed by the ocean before I blacked out.

When I did wake up finally, I was in a prison cell of sorts which had a viewing glass opposite me. I stood up and judging by the chill it was the middle of the night. Looking around I saw a tray with some nectar and ambrosia. It was gone in a few seconds Barely enough to survive. But I was still tired so I dropped down to the floor with my head in my hands, wondering how my life had flipped upside down so fast. I didn't resist when sleep claimed me.

I woke up to heavy footsteps. Two demigod guards dragged me to the door and put chains on my hands and feet. I walked outside right into the council room where the gods and demigods were waiting. To my shock I saw Annabeth and Leo holding hands. But I didn't get a chance to think. Zeus was the first one to speak "Thank you to everyone assembled here for Perseus Jackson's trial, today we will vote on his fate. The decided punishment is to banish him to Tartarus, But we will first hear what he has to say for himself"

I felt several pairs of eyes on me as I stood up and cleared my throat" With all due respect, I plead innocence and declare that your source of information is false"

Zeus smirked" we will now vote on your future"

Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Ares, Hera, Demeter and Aphrodite voted on sending him to Tartarus

Hades, Hestia, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Dionysius and Hermes voted against sending him to Tartarus

Zeus's smirk wavered as he counted the votes "Well, it seems as if we have a tie, so we will need another vote to settle the sentence............. I command Annabeth Chase to vote and become the tiebreaker"

Everyone stared at Annabeth as she walked up to Zeus's throne to settle the vote, as she said in a cool voice" I vote to send Perseus Jackson to Tartarus"

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