Exile in Tartarus! How Fun!!

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Everyone started whispering the moment Annabeth said those words. But I just felt..... Betrayed and empty. But at that moment, I decided..., something that would change my future beyond recognition. "I have had enough of this, I'm sick of it. Sick of YOU . Exile me to Tartarus if you want but know this, when you come begging for my help. I will NOT be there for you, Just like you weren't there for me. I have one last request though. Before you exile me, let me go down to Tartarus in my own way. "

Zeus smirked before saying "Very well then, if that is your wish, it will be granted" The next second a hole opened up in the ground, it was becoming deeper and wider by the minute. By the time it had stopped rumbling, it was big enough to fit a garbage truck. I smiled and ran to the edge of the hole, flipping them THE finger before back flipping off the edge..........

Right into the pit

---------------------------------------------Time skip for a couple of days--------------------------------------------

I felt hungry enough to eat a minotaur, or on second thoughts...never mind.....I don't want to eat a monster. Although I doubt I had the strength to hit one. I've been falling down here for at least a few days. I know its been a few days, because I've been counting the seconds ever since I've been falling from Olymp- That place. The light shifted from black to brown some time ago. Wait. It's red now. I flipped over to check whats going on and I saw that I was about to fall into a pit of fire. There wasnt even any water around like last time to save me. I kept on repeating one sentence in my head.' Perseus Jackson: cause of death( being an idiot to trust the gods)'

Just before I reached the ground I screwed my eyes shut and prayed(before realising that I don't have a god to pray to, Oh well) for a quick death and suddenly I stopped falling and some unknown force gently set me down. I whirled around with riptide already uncapped in my hand. And came face-to-face with.....Tartarus. No not the place, The primordial. There was a small smile on his face which made me think.' Oh shit'. He started speaking but I didn't hear what he said because I was too terrified. I finally came to my senses when he snapped his hands in front of me and threatened me with eternal torture if I didn't accept his offer. I blinked in surprise... "What offer" I asked. He gave me a look and started speaking again" I offered you, to become my assassin and my prince who will help me with all of my work"

"Wait....you have work down here"

He snorted "Of course I do, you think that the arena and this place runs itself"

"What is the arena"

"It is the place where the annual championship is held"

"What is the annual championship"

"Agree to my offer and I'll tell you"

I thought for a moment before deciding "kay "

Tartarus blinked" You aren't going to say some big speech about how you are honoured and will serve me faithfully or some thing"

"Do you want me to "I asked him in a bored tone

He quickly recomposed himself and said something about me ruling the arena blah blah blah. The only part I actually heard was when he told me to get ready. And I didnt have time to process it before a portal appeared underneath me, and I appeared in a throne room of sorts. Except that instead of 1 or 2 thrones, there were 14 thrones. They were placed in an arch. Beside me Tartarus stiffened and whispered in my ear "When they come, bow down, but do not kneel. I do not want you to look weak. Also do not speak unless spoken too"

I was confused and asked "Who are They"

He mysteriously replied" you'll see"

He took out a sword which looked like stygian iron and sat on the throne which was on the right to the center one, for a second I thought that he was going to stab me but he plunged it in the ground. At first I wondered what was the purpose of it but suddenly, 13 bright flashes of light appeared and I couldnt see anything. The light left my eyes throbbing, so I closed my eyes.............. when I opened them the other thrones were also occupied


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