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Yafar brought us inside, where the others were sprawled out in the living room, obviously weary of having to wait for us. Sitting on the couch, he made an effort to relax. The group turned to face Tye. Thank you to everyone for attending the meeting at the clubhouse. However, before we get started, I need to take care of a quick matter. Tye goes to Yafar and whispers in his ear. Then, Yafar walks toward me and says, "Charm, could you just stay in the pillow room for now, you won't be there for long, it's only for a little." I'm not sure why he wanted me to stay there, but I figure he might want to talk to me about something personal, so it's not worth worrying.

"Yeah sure I don't mind." Yafar showed me where the Pillowroom was. The Pillowroom was a bit small and it didn't look like a guest room, it just looked like a normal room but of course with lots of pillows. "If you need any snacks in that mini fridge right there and if you wanna sleep there's a ton of pillows you can use thank me later." Yafar closes the door leaving me inside of this room. A few moments passed and I was getting hungry so I decided to open up the fridge. But when I opened it, there were bottles of fire goo which was kinda of strange. I was scared to eat it but my stomach needed some food. I opened the bottle took a spoon to scoop the fire goo and ate it. Surprisingly, it didn't taste bad. It tastes really good. It's just a little hot though.

I question why Yafar had to put me in here, it's already been one hour and they're not done talking. Am I the problem? Did I screw up everything? I don't like being noisy but, I needed to hear what they were talking about over there which meant I had to stay here. I slightly opened the door to be able to hear what they were saying. "I don't know how we're gonna find a way for Charm to get out of here," Tye said to the group. "Why don't we just get rid of her annoying ass," Yasha said while admiring her nails. "Yasha, can you stop trying to have beef with Charm? She only knew us for two days." Adraine said.

"Adraine you just support her because she's a pick me just like yourself," Yasha said, trying to make a comeback. "Adraine what do you even mean? The only reason you wanted to join our friend group in the first place was because you liked Yafar." Aaron said to Yasha. "Ugh, why do you two always have a problem with me?" "No, why do you always have a problem with everyone?" Aaron and Adraine said at the same time. I found it funny how Aaron and Adraine would always remind Yasha who she was but I needed to hold my laughter in before I got caught.

"Aaron, Adraine, and Yasha, can you three just chill for a bit we're going off-topic," Tye said tired of hearing them argue. Caden then raised his hand high up like he was in a classroom waiting for the teacher to pick on him. "Caden you know you don't have to raise your hand, that's only in classrooms," Tye said to him. "Oh well sorry, Tye but I just wanted to ask why can't Charm go home, I think she's an awesome friend but she probably misses all of her human friends and family," Caden said. "Oh, it's because we can't make an earth door," Jay said. "No Jay, we can make earth doors even though President Sundrop told us not to doesn't mean we can't. That just means we're not supposed to or else we could get in some very big trouble." Owen said to Jay.

"But we aren't supposed to have humans here either, especially one like her," Yasha said. "Yasha, could you stop trying to start drama like you always do?" Tye said annoyed at her. "If we let her out of here, she's still going to have memories of us, because she's human she never saw anything like this before which could lead more humans to find out about us." As soon as Tye said that, I had my answer. The only question I have now is why? Why can't they trust me to keep it a secret? Nobody would even believe me any way they would just all think that I'm insane. I'm already going insane by just being here. Yafarwalked in with a batch of pink-reddish cookies but instead of chocolate ships, it had orange glowing spots on it. "Ok, guys I made the Frookies-" Yafar stopped talking making me realize that he may have seen me.

I quickly went inside hiding myself inside the room again. I breathed heavily, scared that I would get in trouble. Why did I do that? I'm a terrible person. I should have minded my own business, but then it was obvious they would be talking about me if Yafar wanted me to hide in here but I still listened to their conversation like a creepy eavesdropper. When I was trying to calm myself down to not look suspicious when Yafar opened the door. "Um, Charm you could come out now in fact you're just in time for Frookies."I tried to look as normal and calm as possible like I had never heard anything about staying on this planet forever. 

I went back to the living room sat down on a chair and took those "Frookies" that look slightly similar to cookies. I decided to take one and I had no clue what it tasted like, it just seemed like a new favor to me. "So guys, what do you think of the Frookies?" Yafar asked us. "They're really good. Can I please have one more Frookie please?" Caden asked extra politely. "Come on Yafar you can't say no to someone who said please twice in a sentence," Tye said. "Alright then." Yafar gives Caden another Frookie. For some reason, everyone looked at me and was being oddly nice, even Yasha. Are they afraid of telling me that I'm going to stay here? Is that why Yafar told me to hide in that weird pillow room? I supposed yes but even if they kept it secret I think I would go even more insane since I didn't know the answer.

"Ok guys, thank you for coming! We appreciate your stay." Tye said to the gang. As I watched everyone go into the strange vehicle to drive back home, I started to miss Earth even more. Everyone knew where they were going except me. But then I remembered that I'm going to have to learn how to adapt here since I'll have to stay on this planet forever. Aaron then walked up to me and saw that I was sitting alone. "Charm, what are you doing here all alone? You know there are human hunters right..?" When Aaron said human hunters, my heart ran faster than an accelerated pace that could only be described as transcending the bounds of normal human physiological limits, surpassing the swiftness of a gazelle escaping the clutches of a cheetah in a high-speed chase across the vast African savannah. 

I didn't want to jump to conclusions but what if Tye and his gang were trying to kill me? After all, they thought that if they let me back into Earth I would tell the other humans about them might as well assume that I might be a danger to them. That's when I knew I couldn't trust Tye and his gang too much. Something could happen to me if I hang around with them too. "You should probably stay at Tye's house. I can ask him if he's busy, maybe you could visit." Aaron said to me. Tye is the person I didn't trust the most, he seemed like the leader of the group. But there's one advantage to this, which is that I could have a chance to get to know him a little more and find out his plans. Or even better, finding an exit. 

"Um, Charm? Have you made your decision yet?" Aaron said while I was stuck in my thoughts. "Oh um yeah! I decided that I would stay in Tye's house for tonight."  "Ok, I'll text him to see if he's busy." After a few minutes, Tye responds to Aaron and tells me "He's free for tonight, don't worry his house is just right next to the clubhouse." This is perfect for me except for the swimming part, because I have no idea how to swim. "So um Aaron that sounds great and all but how am I supposed to go to his house if I do not know swimming?" I asked him politely. "Oh well, Charm you don't have to worry about that you can just use those free bikes that our neighborhood offers! And you aren't going to die or anything, because this is breathable liquid it's not like the water on Earth." I never heard of a such thing as a breathable liquid before, it sounded pretty fascinating to me.

"Oh and about the free bike part, don't damage the bikes, because you could get in some pretty big trouble if you do make sure you return them to this same spot you found and you'll be fine." I never even learned how to ride a bike, because my mom could never afford one so I don't know how I'm going to do this. I just really hope I get out of this situation sooner. 

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