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Tye was in shock after I told him I was captured by the human hunters. He looked more concerned than I had ever seen him before. "Charm, did they bring you to that building where they torture humans till they die and then use them for clothes or food or human study...?" Tye asked me. "Yes," I said assuming that he was talking about the building that the human hunters were taking me to. "Oh my god.....What did it even look like?" Caden asked. "Gruesome," I answered him. Tye hugged me tight. "Oh dear, I should've brought you with us." While me and Tye were having a sentimental moment, Yasha was laughing hard in the back.

"Um Yasha, why are you laughing so hard at a time like this!?!!?" Adraine said to Yasha. "Charmy~ is dating Tye!" Yasha sang over and over again. Adraine slapped Yasha in the face again but harder than last time. "Could you stop tapping me in the face Adraine, you're so mean!" Yasha said in her annoying voice. "COULD YOU GUYS STOP BACK THERE!"Tye screamed out so loud that everyone went silent. "Sorry about that but, I'm really glad you're ok, you wouldn't imagine the things they would do to you." Tye then looked scared again, I wondered why so I asked him. "Tye, why do you look scared?" Tye looks to the corner and then looks back at me. "If you used the bracelet to teleport yourself here, then the Human Hunters are going to wonder where you got that magical item from." "Yeah but how is that bothering you...?" I asked. Tye starts to sweat and shiver fast."They're going to kill us...if they found out we were keeping a human in secret." Tye said to me. 

I was more scared than I was before when I was about to be killed by those human hunters. Yeah, sure, I don't to die but I rather let myself die than Tye and his gangdie. "But wait, aren't you guys around my age too? How can you guys get killed...?" I asked. "Well, usually kids around our age don't get killed for every crime they only get killed for two crimes which are non-defensive murder and keeping a human in secret." Tye takes a deep breath in and then looks back at me. "I know we're up to closing our last planet portal but, to protect you and ourselves we're bringing you back to Earth."When Tye said that, the rest of the gang was in shock except for Andrea and Aaron. "But Tye, you can't! What if she tells someone else...?" Yasha said. "Shush Yasha, what if she has hallucinations?" Yafar said. "Oh no, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to our awesome friend Charm!" Caden said.

Friends? I never thought any of them would think of me as a friend. We have only known each other for 2 days, they don't know anything about me yet. Tye and his gang are nice but I'm not supposed to be here, I'm supposed to be on Earth with my family, friends, and Jacob. I'm tired of being here, it was really fun and interesting but my time has ended. I want to go home. And I'm glad that today I will finally have the chance to. But I hope that when I go to Earth, Tye and his friends won't get killed and they can be happy without me. "Tye, so where's the planet portal?" I asked him. "There's one right there Charm, just go to ur left and walk straight down."He told me. Before I started walking, Tye called out my name. "Hey um Charm, I know you're excited to come back to earth but you got to say goodbye first!" I smiled at him and gave him a big hug.

"Come guys, get in the group hug." He said to the gang. Everyone in the gang got in the group hug except Yasha of course. "Um, Yasha what are you doing standing there, getin!" Aaron said. Yasha rolled her eyes and got in a group hug. While we were group hugging, Yasha threw the biggest ever and everyone backed up. "Ewww Yasha what the flip!" Yafar said, covering up his nose with his hand. "Teehee I make the cutest farts ever don't I?" Yasha said, trying to look kawaii. "Yasha what did you eat, get out of my face!" Yafar said. Yafar's pet Mr Twinkle started to vomit on the floor, because of Yasha's fart. Yafar ran to Mr Twinkle. "Oh my god my baby! Are you ok?" Yafar kept hugging Mr Twinkle hard to take out the vomit and then Mr Twinkle stopped vomiting. "Oh thank goodness you feel better MrTwinkle," Yafar said while smiling at him.

"Charm?" Tye called me out. "Yes?" I said back to Tye."Before you go, we have something to give you." Tye hands me a mirror that seems completely normal. "Um, no offense why are you giving me a mirror..?" I asked Tye. "Charm, this isn't any normal mirror, It's a communication mirror so whenever you want to talk to us you can talk to us through this mirror. It's like those things you humans use what they're called again, Shells? Cells?" "They're called cellphones Tye," Owen said. "Thanks, Owen you have always been the smart one in the group," Tye said. "Well Charm, goodbye we're going to miss you," Tye said. "Not," Yasha said, trying to give off some sass. "Yasha, we honestly do not care," Yafar said. I ignored Yasha's rude attitude. "I'm going to miss you guys a lot too," I said back. "And don't worry Charm, I'll come with you." I couldn't hear who that was so I looked behind me and it was Aaron. "My mom is probably wondering where I am right now and my dad is going to be extremely mad at me so I'm going to have to come too," Aaron said to me.

Aaron turned back to his human form and we both stepped in front of the portal, waved our last goodbyes to Tye and his gang, and went inside. When I was inside the portal, I started to feel the same experience again as before. The dizziness, the craziness, everything. The only different thing was being happy to finally be going back to earth. After the whole transition was done, we were finally back on Earth. Brookwood might not be the best place ever, but at least it's on Earth, where I could hang out with my friends and family, and see Jacob.

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