𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖕

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3 DAYS AGO . . .

           "CAN YOU CLEAR UP A FEW THINGS?" She asked Cale. "I'm . . . I'm still confused on what you've said earlier. You said that the whole Continent will change— what do you mean by that?"

Her voice was hesitant and nervous, but there seemed to be a bit of confidence within her as she asked. Cale fell into a deep thought— how should he explain it to her? He could not just give and lay everything out. Not that he does not trust Anastasia, but even so, a part of him was still cautious. Revealing to her that he knows the future was risky as is.

The only reason he revealed to Anastasia that he knows the future is so she won't get wary of his sudden actions. He couldn't hide it from her, she was far too perceptive and sharp. And if she found out all that he had been doing, surely she'd get suspicious, and that wouldn't end well at all. By telling her that he knows the future— which wasn't a lie entirely, but not the full truth either— he needn't to explain, nor does he need to hide anything. He could even get her help. She would be by his side the whole process, so why not create a relationship based on ( not the entire ) truth?

"I—If I'm stepping a bit out of line here, it's fine if you don't tell me." She looked concerned, tucking a hair behind her ears.

Cale shook his head. "I'm thinking on how to explain it to you." He says, brushing his red hair back. He closed his eyes, it wouldn't hurt if he explained a bit about the plot, right? Cale doesn't think she'd be one to go around and tell people— not that she had anyone to tell it— or act recklessly. "This continent," he began, reminiscing about the book, "will be plunged into war and chaos."

Anastasia looked taken aback by the revelation. She gasped, her hand shakily clutching her dress. "What. . . ?"

"Forces of evil will appear all throught the Continent. They all have selfish goals, and most importantly," he paused, opening his eyes once again. Remembering all the events that would soon come already made him feel tired. "They will kill anyone in their way." He remembered the arm, how ruthlessly they killed people just so because they could. They were no different from brainless monsters.

"However," he continued, "there'd be hero who would protect everyone from all of this."

Anastasia looked pensive. "Couldn't we just hand it to him then . . . ?"

Exactly my thoughts, he thought in agreement. "If it were that easy." He complained. He couldn't just go away and live his life in the forest— what if they came for him, in some twisted attempt of the book to get him back because he derailed the plot? He'd have no way of protecting himself. So he needed to be able to protect himself first.

He needed to make sure that nobody was planning to kill him.

"There's a few measures I need to do just to make sure that we won't get hurt." Because if his family or Anastasia gets hurt, it would get incredibly bad. Not only that he'd have nobody to depend on— whether it be for protection or money— but it'd be up to him to manage the County, and the thought itself made his headache already.

And, even if it was not really his family, the thought of having these innocent people get hurt when he could've done something made him feel uncomfortable.

It's not as if he had to do a lot of things, right?

Anastasia was silent, and Cale let her process all of it. It must've been overwhelming, to have all of this information dumped into you.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 31 ⏰

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Danse Macabre, trash of the count's familyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz