Chapter 1 : A Long Path of Revelation Part 1

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Warning: This Chapter may contain grammatical errors. If you're here to criticize the grammar, you might want to put the book down. I'm not a skilled writer; I prefer reading.

Disclaimer: All credit goes to the original author and the cover artists.

" " = spoken words or sounds.
' ' = significant words or nonsense.
( ) = Additional words or nonsense.
{ } = Sudden author's note.


The loud sounds of a ground-dragon pulling a lone wooden carriage reverberated through the air.

The vast blue sky, adorned with beautiful clouds scattered across the heavens, illuminated the fertile soil below.

Despite the intense heat from the colossal energy source above, also known as the sun, its reflected light nurtured all life.

Birds soared into the sky, savoring the winds of freedom and liberation that all beings yearn for.

The carriage moved towards a grand, yet somewhat medieval-style civilization, reminiscent of the Dark Ages on Earth.

A massive castle sat at the city's heart, encircled by an enormous wall. The carriage traveled along the road leading to the city's grand gate.

People resembling Catholic Crusaders guarded the gate, inspecting carriages wishing to pass through the formidable wall and into the city, each with their own motives.

At the driver's seat sat a young man with the look of a typical merchant. Despite his average appearance, his golden hair and diamond-blue eyes radiated wisdom, and an aura of divinity surrounded him.

His mysterious yet spectacular characteristics made him a figure of intrigue.

Despite all this, the man maintained a stern expression as he controlled the dragon carriage.

" 'Sigh' Finally, we're here. Didn't I tell you this route would be a 'bullet to bite'? Why won't you ever listen to me?" A lazy voice echoed from behind the driver.

Another handsome young man leaned against the carriage walls. His blue hair and golden eyes contrasted with the driver's appearance. Dressed in commoner's clothes, he too exuded a strange aura.

"Your route is riskier than mine. Fool Remember, if our existence is exposed, it could lead to catastrophic consequences." The driver responded, ignoring the bored look his companion was giving him.

"What's so complicated? It's just a small trick, you know. It's not like it's going to 'cost an arm and a leg'. To me, the situation is 'down to the wire'." He said, nonchalantly picking his nose.

The driver's eyebrows furrowed before he let out a sigh. " Even I hated to admit, your method is faster. But remember, if my fears come true, you can say goodbye to your existence. Hell, I might even get dragged into it, if that's what the divine will dictates."

Silence ensued after the young man finished speaking, leaving the handsome boy to stare at the wooden wall in silence.

The only sound that could be heard was the heavy footfall of the ground-dragon, as the young men's conversation seemed to have ended, leaving the rest of the journey in silence, save for the loud noises made by the ground-dragon.

/ Time Skip \

After a long journey, the young men finally reached the city's gate. A line of carriages waited to enter the city, while others from within the city passed them by, heading in directions irrelevant to their own, presumably attending to their own business.

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