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In view of the entire room, Lukas suddenly bowled over, drawing everyone's attention. He let out a loud, painful-sounding groan, as though he'd just been stabbed.

"Ma," he managed to choke out, laying it on thick, "I don't feel so good."

Maddox had half-risen, his expression alight with alarm. "What is wrong with him?"

"Uhh..." Lukas paused, fumbling. Then he said, "the meat... we stopped for some food on the walk..."

Erin stepped in smoothly, her admonishment seemingly authentic. "I told you not to try anything here. This place is dangerous."

She looked up at Maddox. "I sincerely apologize. Some of us don't have the sense to avoid what's bad for us." She knelt down and gripped Lukas, as though to support him. "He could learn a lesson from the piety of the Purists."

Maddox chuckled, but it was forced. "Yes, well we don't venture far from our sanctum for many reasons."

Erin stood suddenly, pulling Lukas up with her. "Do you feel sick?" She asked him. Lukas nodded. "Is there a restroom I can take him? Viktor and the others are more than capable of continuing without us."

Maddox and Tiber exchanged glances with each other, worry and bewilderment plain on their faces. Mila and the other assistants had gathered around him, also expressing their concern. But Lukas noticed how Viktor hadn't moved from his seat, shoulders hunched.

"That should be fine, Erin," he said, without looking back. "Make sure your son is alright - I can continue without you, for the time being."

Maddox slowly sank into his chair, clearly relieved that Lukas wasn't immediately dying, or worse - vomiting on his floor.

"That should be fine. Tiber can lead you to a restroom," he said, after a moment. "We can always reschedule-"

"That should be fine," Erin said, pulling Lukas towards the door. "I trust Viktor implicitly - his word is mind."

"Well, then," Maddox said. "Shall we continue?"

Then Lukas, dragging his feet for effect, was pulled back through the doorway and out into the hall. Behind him, the door slid back into place.

"Can he walk?" Tiber asked, his voice a little strained.

"Yes, he'll be fine. Let's just get him to a place he can relieve himself - if necessary."

"I see." Tiber looked thoroughly displeased. "Follow me, then. There are nearby washrooms on this floor."

Lukas, still playing his part of being in pain and sick, labored after Tiber as he hurried down the hall. His mother walked alongside him, her hand placed against his back.

Just keep following my lead. Good job.

E. Ademas.

Despite himself, Lukas felt a sense of warmth, the excitement he felt redoubling. It was like he'd stepped into one of the shows that were so popular on the entertainment feeds. They were like spies, working together on a secret mission... or something. He was pretty sure none of the stories he'd watched included a false case of diarrhea, though. Still, he'd give it his all.

"Ohh, I don't think I can make it!" Lukas wailed, doubling down. Erin hissed and poked him with her fingers.

"Is everything alright?" Tiber had whirled around.

"Yeah, yeah... sorry, false alarm. Let's keep going." He kept his head ducked down to hide the flush on his cheeks as he hurried forward.

Don't overdo it.

Sorry, Lukas answered.

Just keep moving.

But there was no need - Tiber had come to a stop. They had reached a common area, a wider space interspaced with tables. Along one wall was a set of doorways, which Lukas guessed led to the washrooms. The only other people in the room were a pair of Purists sitting at one of the tables. Bald and enrobed like all the others, they spoke to each other in low tones, too engrossed to even look up.

Tiber looked at him expectantly, but Lukas just stood there, still hunched over as if in pain.

Oh shit. He had zero clue what to do now. Stealing a glance at his mother was no help; her attention was elsewhere, focused on the pair of Purists nearby.

"Is there a problem?" Tiber asked. "The rooms are open - you may step inside."

"Thank you," Lukas mumbled. He began to step forward.

"Lukas, get out of the way, please," his mother said, with trademark calm, then lunged forward, grabbed the back of Tiber's skull, and smashed it against the nearby wall. 

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