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Past enchanted forest daisy stood in the tower where she lived with her older sister rapunzel her arm wrapped around her older sister's shoulder the two anxiously waiting and looking at the window of the tower as the sisters knew the dark curse would be cast any moment now. Raps"? Daisy muttered under her breath quietly. Yes daisy"? Her older sister replied. I'm scared raps these are the last few moments we'll actually know each other". Hey don't be scared daisy I'm sure snow and Charming's love will be able to break the curse". Her older sister replied. But what about Callie raps"? Daisy asked anxiously. Callie will be fine daisy i promise". The sisters hugged each other as the purple smoke from the dark curse came closer to them and they hugged each other tightly as the smoke surrounded them and their memories were lost and the sister found themselves in storybrooke Maine with no memory of their life in the enchanted forest. 

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