Something to call home(short)

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{Third Person}

Mist, Niko, Nilo, and Genni all spend days, weeks, months on a place for Mist and Genni to stay, and instead of building the house up in the side of a mountain(too risky), they built a house on  the ground in a neat place full of greenery and life, they build the house, making the pipes to waterways, and all that a modern home has, as well as a training area in the back. It took they only 3 or 4 months total, way less time then they thought of, but at least they got the job done. Mist is definitely proud of what they managed to build, Nilo and him were the masterminds behind the whole build, and it's nice and stable! So now, they are finally able to train, starting tomorrow..

{Very short! :3}

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