Prologue: Part I

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(The self-declared superpowers reunited to discuss the future of the Antarctic Treaty, as the world fell to an era of conflicts with the South Pole as the main troublemaker.

The UN Security Council had two non-permanent members at the time: Japan, and Mexico, while also welcoming its new permanent member nation: Plaquenta.

Plaquenta is an American-European country, located in the Atlantic waters. Some say it floats above the lost city of Atlantis. It holds diplomatic relations with 200 nations, giving its citizens the privilege of traveling without the need for any VISA to all of them.

Its whole name is the United Islands of Plaquenta, as it is composed by 5 big pieces of land separated by thin lines of salad water.)

UN Security Council record #47583-45 5/24/25

Members present: United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France, Plaquenta, Japan, Mexico. The name of their nation will be the code of each country's representative.

*start of the record*

United States: Before starting, I'd like to welcome our newest permanent member, the United Islands of Plaquenta.

Plaquenta: On behalf of my country, thank you for this opportunity, we are looking forward to accomplishing the peace the world deserves. 

*Russia's representative snorts quietly*

Russia: Thank you for those heart-touching words.

Mexico (NP): We, as non-permanent members, are glad to have you in this room.

United States: We are convoked here to discuss our situation with the so-called Antarctic Treaty. 56 countries signed the current contract, which does not expire until 2028. Thanks to recent investigations, we concluded that this Treaty is the core of most diplomatic conflicts going on. We are allowed to vote for the future of these unstable relations.

United Kingdom: We agree with it, the treaty itself has been a trouble since the day it was created.

France: Agreed. Diplomatic relations broke because of this.

Plaquenta: I think we all agree that this treaty is a constant problem in different nations and should be reformed somehow.

United States: Exactly. That is what we are here for.

*silence fills the room*

Japan: 何も分かりません (I don't understand anything).

Mexico: My nation's not part of this treaty, but we do think its creation was a complete mistake, I'd suggest it being abolished.

United States: I thought this would take longer. If you'll let me, I suggest a votation.

China: 愚蠢的美国人,总是用民主解决一切 (Stupid American, always solving everything with democracy).

*votation issued by the United States*

United States: We'll start by remembering that the only ones with veto rights are the permanent members of the council, understood?

Mexico, Japan: Absolutely.

United States: By voting yes, you're in favor of the Antarctic Treaty abolition. By vetting, you are against it. All of us, have the right to abstain from voting. With that being said, let's start with the current non-permanent members. Mexico?

Mexico: As a non-member, We'll have to abstain, I'm sorry.

*Mexico abstains from voting*

Japan: We are in favor of the abolition.

*Japan votes yes*

United States: Good. Now, the permanent members shall vote, we'll start with France.

France: We think abolishing the agreement is best for all of us, so yes.

*France votes yes*

Russia: Abolishing the treaty will only cause a lot of trouble, more than now, so no.

*Russia veto*

China: No, bad idea, no.

*China veto*

United Kingdom: We don't have a clear future for this, so we'll abstain.

*United Kingdom abstains from voting*

United States: We have our decision clear, we are...

Russia: Просто скажи это уже. (Just say it already).

United States: Excuse me?

United States: While a nation is talking, you don't have permission to interrupt, you can get evicted, let's continue.

Plaquenta: We haven't vote yet, we are abstaining.

*Plaquenta abstains from voting*

United States: Ok, I guess we'll solve this our way, we are in favor.

*United States votes yes*

Vote results:

(3 in favor, 2 vetos).

United States: I guess this settles it, the Antarctic Treaty's over.

*record ends*

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