Prologue: Part III

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-Thank you all for being here-. Said the US president to the press.

-I would like to start by saying that we are aware of all the trouble the council's decision caused, and we want you to know that we are dealing with it-. Stated.

-Mr. President, how can we be so sure that the treaty's abolition is the best thing to do?-. Asked a well-known journalist. -That is a great question, um, while we thought about the complications the abolition can bring to the international community, we are also sure that it is for the better, and that is worth the risk.- Answered the nation's ruler.

The room's silence was filled with a loud bustle from the reporters present, while the president's face was filled with microphones. -I know it might sound like a questionable answer, but trust me, the future of our nation never seemed brighter-. Said the president in an attempt to calm the noise.

-So, eh, Mr. President, is the abolition process over?-. questioned a new, but determined reporter present in the crowd. -You should know that the United States is no longer a member, we have withdrawn, and, answering your question, the...-. The president's statement was interrupted by a loud shot, the crowd got concerned immediately, as it was an attempt to kill, or at least harm the beloved president.

The head of state faced up, showing he was still alive, they all thought it was over until a loud shout was heard from a corner of the room. -Да здравствует Антарктида! (Long Live Antarctica!)-. The scream was followed by another shot, this time harming the president.

The Russian rebel was immediately shot down by one of the guards present, while both, the police and the press tried to see if the ruler of the nation was still alive, all America was concerned.

(It was clear to the UN that the trouble shaking the world originated from not knowing what would happen next, so a solution needed to be made, a replacement of the Antarctic Treaty, some kind of agreement that would settle down Antarctica's political situation, but also stop the insurgents all over the world.)

1 month later.

-Good morning, everyone-. Said the host of a prestigious yet common news program. -Today we open with some upsetting news, and while we still don't know the details of the event, Dean Philips, our beloved president, was pronounced dead this dawn-. The reporter continued.

-The state is currently trying to find a provisional president until the next elections take place-. Stated.

The United States, once again, got hit by a tragedy caused by its enemies. The government made clear the deliberated act was planned by a Russian, causing an anti-Russian movement to rise.

It was long before the government found a solution to the instability the nation was suffering at the moment, Donald Trump. He already counted with presidential experience, and after failing his reelections against the now-dead head of state, the government found him as the best option for a provisional president, he, of course, accepted the offer immediately.

As the new head of state, Trump urged the UN to find a way of solving the problems caused by the Antarctic Treaty's abolition.

3 months later. January 23rd 2026.

January 23rd is now called "Antarctic Day" due to the events that happened that day.

It was the first global decision of 2026. The UN found finally a solution, something that would fill the big hole the Antarctic Treaty left when it was abolished.

After the failed attempt of making the South Pole a neutral, UN controlled territory, the high positions of the organization decided to divide Antarctica between a selection of nations that were known for its capacity of stability, economically speaking.

After 1 month of thinking the UN came with the results, that were announced in a live, dubbed in 20 different languages.

11 countries were selected: USA, Plaquenta, UK, India, China, Russia, Argentina, Germany, France, Brazil, and Australia.

"Do you think having Trump as president is being stable? well think again!". Wrote a woman in Twitter (now X). A lot of tweets filled the website once again, now complaining about the selection of countries.

That's how, even though nobody knew by that time, is how the third Great War started, the partition of Antarctica was the biggest mistake of all time.

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