Chapter 7

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Christina POV

"Chrissy!!!! Wake up Chrissy your having a sleep spasm!! I think. I don't know whats going on! Four!!!! Come and help me I don't know whats happening" I hear someone yell. I jerk awake and look at a stuffed cheek Uriah. Oh. Oh thank God. It was just a dream.

"Uriah. Did we play CoD last night?" I see him swallow the food in his mouth

"Yes but you and Will fell asleep in each others arms. It was really cute actually. Me and Tris took pictures and everything and put them on Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest and-"

"Okay Uriah I got the point. " Just then I see Will laying on the floor in a wrinkled way. I look at him. His hair messed up and his lips are swollen and he looks beaten up pretty bad.

I look at Uriah and he looks at the floor.

"What happened to Will?" He looks at me with tears in his eyes. Why would Uriah be crying?

"Im sorry Christina. I tried to stop him. But then Four, Zeke and I thought it would calm him down and then she woke up and then it happened." He says, choking on some words.

"What happened?" I ask. Then he tells me.


Will POV

Omg I am flipping out. I am so nervous. I mean I love Christina with all my heart but I don't have the heart to tell her what I did. I can't believe I did it. Neither will she.

"Will. Calm. Down. "Uriah says while fanning me with his hands. Right now Christina is sleeping and so is the rest of the girls. Us guys are trying to calm me down because I'm close to hyperventilating.

"I cant calm down. What if she leaves me. What if I screwed up everything. I. Am. Awful. I am trash. Just put me on the curb now!!" I say while flailing my arms for affect.

"Dude. There is no curb. Were in a hotel." Four says. I stare at him. Then pace again.

"Here," Zeke says while handing me a cup. "It'll make you feel better." I take the cup and smell its contents. Beer.

"No. I cant take this. Christina will be so pissed if I do," I say. Uriah shoves it closer to me. I stare at it then take a sip. Eww is all I think when I sip. Its nasty. But they're right. It does make me feel better. I get cup after cup before I cant remember anything else.


I hear laughing and look over at the other side of my bed. Empty. Uriah said he was coming after he went to the bathroom. I check my phone clock. Great. That was 2 hours ago. I get up to check the noise. I see the guys playing charades. Will's imitating a duck. Really guys? Is it that hard to figure out? Then I smell something. Alcohol. I see cups laying around the floor and empty bottles everwhere. Will turns around and looks at me up and down. I shrink back. I see Uriah clench his fist.

Suddenly Will walks over to me and pushes me into me and Uriah's room and locks the door. He starts kissing me and touching me. I yell at him to stop but it doesn't work. He's to strong. I feel something on my thigh. His hand. I try to smack it away but he's to strong. He pushes me towards the back wall and kisses me more and grabs me more and touches me more. Oh my God. What is wrong with him. I feel tears spring in my eyes. I hear something break. The door. Will is pulled off me and I sink to the floor. I feel someone grab me and I shriek and crawl away.

"Mar. Mar its just me. Uriah" he says. I stand up and run into his arms. I don't let go

I see Zeke and Four beating him up. By now Ive calmed down and laying in bed while Uriah goes and eats some Dauntless Cake to calm himself down.

(Then the thing with Chris screaming happens)

~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~


Sorry I haven't updated in forever. The freaking storm blew up the stupid box thingy that controls the wifi sooooo i have to go to my friends house to get it. Hope u enjoyed !!

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