Part 6: Fairytales

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It took me a few days to reach the old Witch Tower. I had to follow the river upstream trying to also avoid running up to the tribe village that held me captive for so long. Then when I reached an area that felt that was right, I had to search blindly for the tower. I finally found it hidden behind some vines, even more overgrown than I remembered it. I tightened my grip on my walking cane and went through the open stone doorway. I started walking down to where I remembered coming out from. The stairs were dark and kept getting darker. I found a torch and brought him back out to the sunlight to light him up before I get lost once more in the bowels of the stone beast. I reached the bottom and started recognizing rooms. Everything looked abandoned. Spiderwebs were covering every corner and no important items of any kind were anywhere to be found. I passed in front of the cell I had been held after my transition. The sight of the chains made my heart crack. I held back my tears and took a deep breath. Keep walking. I thought to myself. Keep walking.

I walked around aimlessly looking for anything that could help me close this chapter of my life. I walked into a large circular room with a hole in the center of the ceiling where the building had partially collapsed and allowed the daylight to flood the room. It was the room where I was operated on. A small pile of dirt was left in the place where I was chained. Something sparked in the light.

I froze in place. It couldn't be! I run up to the small silver item on the ground. I picked it up. It looked like a locket with a small white and purple stone decorating it. It was the neckless. It was her neckless. So much blood was spilled for it, so many lives destroyed and it was just lying here in the dirt? I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I looked around me. This place had nothing else to offer me... 

I reached the kingdom in a week. The tower was surprisingly close to the road where I was abducted from, saving me valuable time. People would give me strange looks and whisper each time they would see me walking. Me and Medeina haven't been living what you would call a proper life. We would dress more like men than women, with clothing fit for hunting. We would often braid our hair in a singular ugly mess of a braid only to keep them out of our eyes and when we needed to cut them, we would use knives, leaving uneven hair with every cut. Also, the charcoal around my eyes was not helping. I pulled up the hood of my coat to hide from the people. I was not there for them. I held onto the rough fabric a bit longer before letting go. My dear Medeina. I missed her so much. I wanted to turn back and start running to her. I resisted the urge. I needed to finish my mission. I wondered if she was thinking of me. Was she relieved I left? She tried to tell me to stay there but something made me feel that it was just from kindness to me. I wondered if my decision to leave was just so I would not have to face her response. No. She was not feeling the same way as I could she? I was an anomaly. A woman who used to be a man. That's the only way I could fall in love with another woman...right?

I never realized until that point that I did not care that I was a woman now. Somehow it didn't make me feel any different. It was me. a different person with a different life but I wondered if I should care more. I wondered if it should be harder for me to accept it. I was forced into it so violently, I never got the chance to worry about it. 

Should I?

My thoughts were interrupted by a woman shouting at a group of people.


I was in the city I grew up. I followed the people running with my eyes. They went to the royal chapel. What was happening I wondered. I followed passively. I found more people rushing to the church. I got in just in time to see an older Blair dressed in an expensive wedding dress, in front of a concerned confused, and scared priest who reluctantly was reading a marriage prayer while one guy was holding the princess's hand and another was thrusting furiously on her exposed backside as she was panting and moaning while also screaming at the priest each time, he dared to stop chanting.

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