Extras for those who want to know more:

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The story is over this is just some context and sources of inspiration for those who are interested in the lore and the world around the story.

Medeina: Medeina is a Lithuanian deity protector and ruler of the forests, the plants, and the animals. She refused to get married and instead, she chose a life in the forest alone. She is a she-wolf and is often portrayed as being escorted by wolves. Medeina was described as possessing both demonic and divine traits that gave her the reputation of a ruthless killer. She is more interested in protecting her forests than helping humans.

Undead: An undead is a creature created using potions and magic stones that change the source of energy of a creature from chemical energy to magical. During the creation of an undead, you remove the blood and all the organs under the thoracic diaphragm excluding the uterus but including the ovaries in women and the testicles in men. In the empty space, the stones are positioned appropriately. The skin is then treated with potions that make it impenetrable to most sharp objects. Filling of the rest of the empty space in the abdomen may apply for aesthetic reasons.

The undead do not need to eat but doing so can, depending on the stones used, recharge said stones. if the undead do not possess this type of stone then he just throws up whatever he tries to ingest. Other ways of recharging the stones might be potions and sacrifices of living creatures. the undead do not possess an intestine track and often the colon and sphincter are removed during the procedure. The same goes for the urinary system. Undead do possess a stomach.

The undead are technically first killed before they wake up as undead creatures. the stones inside them keep them alive even if everything else in their body is destroyed or damaged by repairing their organs and gradually restoring their functionality.

Undead do not need to breathe or sleep.

The remaining organs of an undead person work as normal with the power provided by the stones and so needs like food and sleep are getting triggered in the appropriate circumstances.

Undead do not have unlimited stamina. The muscles of the undead still produce lactic acid which creates the feeling of burn and tiredness of the muscles after and during exercise.

The stones of the undead have a theoretical lifespan of around 5 thousand years but no undead has ever lived that long cause most are badly produced and or have no way of recharging their stones that most often are not fully charged upon creation of the undead. The knowledge for the creation of an undead is a closely guarded secret and even the ones that know how to complete the procedure without the death of the subject do not possess all the necessary pieces of knowledge to create a " true undead". It is worth mentioning that no true undead has ever been recorded and they are only a theoretical possibility. The origin of the procedure is not known. It is estimated that around 12 sorcerers, alchemists, and witches know how to properly complete the operation.

The expected lifespan of an undead after the operation varies from 25 to 130 years.

The stone witch: she is considered the best alchemist in the kingdom but she was forced to exercise it in secrecy since because of her gender she is not allowed to be part of the alchemist's guild. Not much more is known about her. She will complete any request if you have the gold to afford her services.

The tribe: the tribe is one of the last remaining tribal groups in the kingdom. Although they worship old gods and live the way the old tribe people used to and even share their language the new tribe is composed of humans from the cities and villages around the kingdom that decided the modern way of life was not for them. They generally don't interact with any other human and they stay deep in the forest away from everyone. It is speculated that they have renounced meat consumption and that they exclusively eat fruits and vegetables. Not much else is known.

The neckless: The neckless is not a cure, it is more of a proxy. The magic of the neckless recognizes the aura of the people around you and forces the physical responses of your body to each emotion that it presumes you should be feeling at that moment. You don't really "feel" the emotions as much as your body simply responds as if you were feeling them (releases cortisol for stress, oxytocin for love and affection, etc).

This is not an exact science since the auras can't predict how the person responds, like responding with anger instead of fear in a situation. That's why different versions and calibrations of the artifact have to occur for different stages in the life of a person to add more emotional responses and to change the frequency of the old ones.

Blair: The princess suffers from alexithymia. Alexithymia is a rare disorder in which the person is having trouble recognizing, expressing, and/or feeling emotions. Blair figured that different things or situations made her feel different ways, pleasant or otherwise, and started abusing the system hunting down the pleasures of life and avoiding negative emotions. She is in a way addicted to her own brain's reward system which is the reason behind her change in behaviour. Ash's disappearance may or may not have enforced that behavior. 

Attempts were made by the king to help her by revisiting the witch that made the neckless a few times within the years on the assumption that the artifact was faulty. Any attempts at recalibration failed since Blair would just figure out the new patterns easily and continue abusing them.  

For those who want to know EVEN MORE:  leave a comment about what else you would like to know about this world and I will try my best to go a bit deeper into that. 🖤

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