Mood Swings

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Over the past five months Lilia and Percy hung out a lot. They were both attending the same school and neither had many friends, other than team mates.

They found comfort in each other company during the term, and despite it only being a few months of knowing each other, it felt like they'd been friends for years.

Percy was doing well in school for the first time, and was close to finishing a whole year of school without too many problems.

That was until May. Percy stood at Lilia's locker waiting for her, as he did everyday, when a couple boys in his class came over smirking.

"Hey Jackson. Waiting for your girlfriend?" The boy at the front teased.

"She's not my girlfriend." Percy muttered trying to ignore them.

"Right, I forgot you're just hoping for something out of that bitch." He laughed to all his friends but Percy tensed up.

"Excuse me?" His voice was low as her glared daggers at the boys words.

"Hey man, I get it." He continued to taunt. "I mean I'd totally try and hit it if she-" the boy never finished his sentence, Percy had pinned him up against the locker, causing everyone in the corridor to tense.

"Don't fucking talk about her like that."

As soon as Lilia got into school she knew something was wrong, students were crowding the corridors and there was shouting at the far end. She rushed through the crowd and pushed her way to the front only to see Percy Jackson and some boy in his year fighting.

"What the fuck are you doing Percy?" Lilia yelled over the shouting students.

He turned her way and gave her a look of guilt, the boy took this as his chance and threw a punch at Percy, splitting his lip. Percy face turned on impact and his eyes thinned with anger, he turned back slamming his fist into the boys nose, with all his force, knocking him to the ground.

"MR JACKSON! THAT IS ENOUGH!" A teacher shouted running down the corridor and pulling the two boys apart.

"Both of you, my office, now!"

The teacher stormed off, shouting for everyone to get to class. Lilia grabbed Percy's wrist and dragged him hard.

"What were you thinking Perseus Jackson?" She hissed at him, she couldn't quite pinpoint the look in his eyes, it was somewhere between anger and sorrow.

"Listen to your bitch Percy." The boy whispered to him as he walked past, but Lilia heard.

Percy turned back to the boy, probably about to start the fight again but Lilia tugged him back.

"Percy. It's not worth it." She sighed.

"But he can't talk about you like that!" He hissed.

"Is that what the fight was about?" She asked.

He didn't reply, just looked down angrily. Lilia was used to people seeing her as some kind of prize to be won, at first it was hard but over the years she learnt to just deal with the fact some boys are just disgusting people.

"Thank you for having my back." She whispered, squeezing his arm comfortingly. He nodded before walking off to the teachers office.

They both knew it wouldn't end well for him, he was a 'troubled kid', and one mess up means big consequences.

Later that day Lilia got an iris message from Percy telling her he'd been expelled, on the case of 'too many disruptive incidences'. So to Lilia's dismay she had to go through the last month and a half of the term alone.

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