Chapter 18

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"There is no one but you."

Standing before the window overlooking the garden, I witness the sunrise, painting the garden in a tapestry of shadows. The cool autumn breeze beckons, prompting me to open the window and inhale the refreshing air. When I turn away, my attention shifts to the bed, adorned with white silken sheets now stained with hues of brown from the earth, green from the grass, and orange from fallen leaves. Azriel's pants, worn by me, bear the same traces. Even my hands show signs of our shared venture. Exhaling, I proceed to the bathing room.

The shower stand is already emitting steam, but I opt for the bathing pool in the centre, allowing it to fill. I open a variety of coloured glass containers, each holding a different scent—vanilla, honey, lemon, and jasmine. I choose jasmine and vanilla, pouring both into the water. Unsure of the proper quantity, I halt when the bottles are halfway empty. In silence, I marvel as white soap bubbles emerge, forming a tower that stops just short of spilling over, creating an inviting pool.

"There is no one but you."

Standing taller, I glance at the mirror. As I shed layers of clothes, my gaze meets familiar green eyes—my grandmother's, my mother's, and my own. Confronting them all at once, memories threaten to surface, but I swiftly suppress them. Surveying the tattoos adorning my body, I turn away from the mirror, observing my wings unfolding from the tattoos that echo Azriel's shadows.

Before I can step into the shower, a slight hacking noise emanates from the window. I turn to witness a raven perched by the small opening, persistently pecking against the glass.

"Wretched bird." I mutter under my breath as I approach the window. It takes me a short moment to decipher the mechanism, but once I do, I quickly open it, and the raven gracefully hops inside. Leaving the window ajar, I welcome the intrusion of fresh air, the cold breeze mingling with the steam from the bathing pool. The room transforms, the mist rising like tendrils from a cauldron, creating an ethereal dance between warmth and chill.

I finally enter the burning water, finding comfort in the heat. A cloth appears on the edge, and I take it to begin clearing my skin from any dirt. As I scrub away the remnants of the day, I watch as the raven hops around the room, its dark feathers glistening in the soft glow of the space. It then takes flight and perches on the wooden tray in front of me.

"There is no one but you."

I turn my head, questioning the bird as if it holds the answers to the mysteries that surround me. It follows my movements, an enigmatic presence, and I playfully splash water at it. The raven crows in response, its wings fluttering in apparent displeasure. I can't help but giggle at the unexpected companionship.

"I'm glad you are." I whisper to the raven. It moves from the tray to the porcelain side of the pool. I lift my wet hand into the air, intending to stroke its sleek feathers, but before I can, it pecks at my finger.

"Okay, okay!" I gasp out, holding my hand up as it beaks at the golden cuffs adorning my wrists. Assuming it wishes to stay dry, I lower my hand back into the water. The raven crows again, and I raise an eyebrow.

"What?" I ask, lifting my hand back into the air. Once more, it beaks at the cuffs. Curious, I turn my wrists and discover a spider-web of cracks on the underside.

My eyes widen, and I quickly lift my other hand into the air, finding the same delicate fractures. Sitting straighter in the tub, my wings nearly knocking the bird off its perch, I ignore its complaints. A genuine smile graces my lips, a moment of true joy since arriving in this mysterious world.

"You genius devi." I declare, addressing the unseen presence I know watches over me.

Yet, his words still echo in my mind.

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