Chapter 41

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As we roam through the opulent corridors of the palace, I can't help but marvel at the diverse array of individuals bustling about their tasks. Maids drape in flowing linen robes adorned with intricate patterns flit gracefully from room to room, their arms laden with bouquets of freshly-cut flowers that perfume the air with their sweet fragrance. Soldiers clad in gleaming armour stride confidently down the corridors, their golden weapons glinting in the sunlight that streams through the grand windows.

But it is the scholars who catch my attention the most, their scholarly robes billowing behind them as they hurry along the corridors, their faces alight with intellectual fervour. Books and scrolls tucked under their arms, they exude an aura of quiet determination as they disappear into various chambers, no doubt engrossed in their pursuit of knowledge.

Amidst this bustling scene, one figure stands out above the rest—Lucien, the son of the High Lord. He moves with a grace and confidence that belies his status, his presence commanding the respect of all who cross his path. With a nod and a warm smile, he greets each person by name, his easy familiarity with the palace staff a testament to his seamless integration into his father's court.

Lucien's attire mirrors that of his father's courtiers, the rich fabrics of his clothing adorned with subtle embellishments that speak of wealth and status. Yet despite his privileged upbringing, there is a humility to his demeanour, a quiet strength that sets him apart from the pomp and grandeur of the palace surroundings.

As we followed in his wake, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the way Lucien effortlessly navigated the intricacies of court life. His easy rapport with the palace staff and his genuine warmth towards those around him spoke volumes about his character, casting him in a light that was both admirable and endearing.

As Lucien leads us into the room, I can't help but take in the grandeur of the space. The room is expansive, with high ceilings adorned with intricate carvings that catch the light streaming in from the grand windows. Plush seating areas are arranged in elegant clusters, inviting guests to linger and converse in comfort.

The decor exudes an air of refined sophistication, with richly upholstered chairs and ornate tapestries adorning the walls. Gilded accents catch the light, casting a warm glow throughout the room and adding to its regal ambiance. It's clear that this space is reserved for formal meetings and gatherings of importance, a testament to the gravity of the matters discussed within its walls.

My attention is drawn to the built-in bar nestled against one wall, its gleaming surface stocked with an impressive array of spirits and libations. Crystal decanters catch the light, their contents shimmering invitingly as Lucien approaches.

Azriel's snort of amusement draws my gaze, and I shoot him a playful glance before turning my attention back to Lucien. His offer of hospitality is met with a grateful nod, and I follow him towards the bar with eager anticipation.

"The darkest of whatever you have," I reply, a hint of mischief dancing in my eyes as I consider the tantalising array of drinks before me. Lucien's easy smile suggests that he's accustomed to such requests, and he sets to work preparing our drinks with practised skill.

As I watch him work, I can't help but admire the grace and finesse with which he moves, his movements fluid and confident. It's clear that he's well-versed in the art of hospitality, effortlessly catering to the needs and preferences of his guests.

Before long, he presents us with our drinks, the rich aroma of aged spirits filling the air as he sets the glasses before us. I raise my glass in a silent toast of thanks, savouring the warmth of the liquid as it glides smoothly down my throat.

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