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Mother Amias had forgotten something so she returned back to the tower but Paimon the horse jumps out in front of Mother Amias startling her, she immediately panics that her rider has located Aether and rescued him.

"Aether!" She called out.


"AETHER!" Mother Amias yelled.

"Aether, let down your hair." She demanded.



Mother Amias climbs her way up the towers vines and when she reached the window she i shocked to discover Aether gone but she is even more surprised when she finds the crown hidden under the staircase with a bag and inside the bag was a wanted poster of Alatus. Bent on retrieving Aether, Amias takes the bag and crown and sets out to search for him. She manages to track Aether to the Snuggly Duckling, through the secret passage, into the quarry, and through the cave into the forest once more. There, she is confronted by harbingers, but Mother Amias uses them to her advantage by bargaining their help for the crown, revenge against Alatus for double-crossing them, and 'something worth much more'.


Alatus took Aether to an Inn and the people at the bar stage a distance for the guards so the two can get away. They are led to a tunnel and told to go down there. As they make their way down the tunnel, the horse Paimon who had returned to the guards arrives at the Inn and sniffs Alatus' trail to the secret trapdoor. Paimon leads the guards to a large quarry where they corner Aether and Alatus. Paimon knocks down a large wooden beam to try and get to them but this renders the dam overlooking the quarry unstable. It collapses and a wave of water surges into the quarry. Aether and Alatus become trapped inside a cave as falling rocks block the entrance. Water begins to flood into the cave.

Alatus tried to look around for a way out but the cave was pitch black.

"It's no use, I can't see anything." Alatus sighed.

He could hear Aether trying to also look for a way out so he stopped him.

"Hey, there's no point. It's pitch black down there." He told him.

"This is all my fault. She was right, I never should have done this. I'm so... I'm so sorry, Alatus." Aether frowned.


"What?" Aether asked.

"My real name is, Xiao Lapis. So you might as well know." Xiao told him.


"I have magic hair that glows when I sing." Aether confessed.

"What?" Xiao laughed.

"I have... magic hair, that glows when I sing!" Aether repeated but this time he realised something.

Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine.

Aether's hair began to glow and Xiao could see a crack in the cave. He swam over to it and used his hands to dislodge the rocks. He cut his hand in the process but they were able to get out.

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