Chapter 6

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TW: profanity

Sebastian stood at the entrance of the busy market. His senses were assaulted by the vivid chaos before him. People were everywhere. Colorful stalls lined the cobbled streets, filled with merchants hawking their wares. He struggled to push his way through the busy crowds, searching for the elusive princess. Despite knowing her general location, the challenge lay in locating her amidst the myriad stalls and animated crowds. Nora, skilled at avoiding the king's guards, possessed a talent for slipping through the bustling market unnoticed whenever she desired to remain hidden.

Jugglers and street performers held the crowd in captivation. Their acrobatics and tricks are drawing cheers and applause. The mesmerized spectators gazed with awe as colorful balls of red, yellow, and blue soared through the air. Gasps of delight erupted from the onlookers as the performers executed gravity-defying flips and spins.

"Step right up! Witness the magic of the streets!" one performer called out, a charismatic grin lighting up his face. His fellow performers showcased a dazzling array of talents, from fire-eating to contortionist feats. The crowd eagerly absorbed the magic unfolding before them.

Sebastian, his scowl evident and an audible grumble escaping his lips, reluctantly approached. The aroma of roasted chestnuts intertwined with the subtle scent of nearby incense. The rhythmic beat of drums accompanied the street performers.

"Care to witness the impossible, sir?" Another performer beckoned to Sebastian, holding a deck of cards with a flourish. "I guarantee you've never seen a trick quite like this!"

His scowl deepened. Sebastian, unfazed and with a dismissive wave of his hand, ignored the performer's enticement and continued walking away.

The noisy market was an assault on his senses, and he longed for his bed. He longed for Claudette. Missing her body on his. The market was a noisy cacophony of sounds, with shoppers haggling and chatting. It was annoying. Sebastian's sharp eyes darted through the crowd, trying to discern any sign of the princess's presence.

Strolling further, Sebastian passed a woman selling seasonal wine, the rich aroma of fermented grapes wafting through the air. Wooden barrels adorned with grapevines showcased the diverse selection, from robust reds to delicate whites

"Wine for all seasons! Try a sip, sir." The woman called out, offering a small cup to Sebastian. The vendor, however, noticed the royal guard's disinterest and shifted her approach. Seeing an opportunity to showcase her products, she quickly adapted her pitch.

"Fine wines fit for a royal palate! Distinctive flavors to grace any occasion," she proclaimed, casting a subtle glance at him. "A taste of luxury, perhaps, for the discerning individuals in your esteemed company."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and continued walking.
Nearby, someone displayed an assortment of leather gloves, their supple textures and intricate stitching inviting passersby to appreciate the craftsmanship.

"Fine gloves for discerning hands! Soft as a whisper, tough as steel!" the vendor proclaimed. Sensing the presence of the royal guard, she acknowledged Sebastian with a courteous smile, recognizing the need for discretion. Sebastian's gaze briefly shifted to his own worn leather gloves, contemplating the craftsmanship before continuing through the bustling marketplace.

Another woman offered beeswax prayer candles, their soft glow illuminating her stall with a serene ambiance.

"Light a candle; find peace within. Beeswax blessings for your soul," she whispered to a customer.
A bit farther on, a man sold caged birds, their vibrant plumage and melodious voices contributing to the harmonious chorus of the bustling marketplace.

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