Chapter 52

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In the dimly lit chamber, Elashor and Ena huddled together, their faces etched with a mixture of urgency and despair. The flickering candlelight cast shadows along the walls. 

Elashor began, his voice a low murmur filled with frustration. "Ena, we can't let this continue. Emmyth is under some enchantment, and Katherine is slipping away. We have only two days before the new moon, and time is our fiercest enemy."

Ena's eyes mirrored the gravity of the situation as she responded, "Breaking an enchantment of this magnitude requires potent magic, Elashor. Mave's hold on Emmyth is formidable, and unraveling it won't be an easy task."

Elashor ran a hand through his hair, the weariness evident in his eyes. "We can't afford to lose hope. Katherine is on the brink, and the fate of Berenia and Iotera hangs in the balance. We need a plan, Ena, something that can sever the spell and expose Kaylessa for who she truly is."
Ena nodded solemnly, her mind racing through the possibilities. "There must be a weakness in the enchantment, something we can exploit. But we need more information about Kaylessa and about Mave's involvement."

Elashor clenched his fists, his frustration palpable. "We need to send word to the Kingdom of Berenia. 

Elashor sat at a wooden desk, pen in hand, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on the parchment before him. The urgency of the situation pressed heavily on his shoulders as he composed a message, a plea for help that would travel swiftly to the Kingdom of Berenia.
"By the grace of the earth, let this message reach the kingdom swiftly," Elashor muttered under his breath as he dipped the quill into the inkwell. The room was filled with an atmosphere of tension, and the stakes were higher than ever.

His script, a mix of haste and determination, detailed the dire events unfolding within the Genasi realms of Iotera. Elashor poured his heart into each word, describing Emmyth's enchantment, Katherine's sacrifice, and the looming threat that Kaylessa posed to both the Iotera and the Kingdom of Berenia.

Elashor, fueled by a sense of urgency, swiftly made his way to the bustling courtyard. His steps were purposeful, and his determination cut through the air like a blade. In his experienced stride, he navigated the familiar paths, aware of the intricate network that connected the chateau's corridors.

In the courtyard of the chateau, Elashor scanned the skies, searching for the familiar silhouette of Celeste, the parrot that had been a constant presence since Katherine's arrival. The vibrant plumage of the parrot stood out against the backdrop of the castle walls.

Spotting Celeste perched on a nearby branch, Elashor approached with a sense of urgency. The parrot cocked its head, intelligent eyes fixed on Elashor as if sensing the gravity of the situation. Elashor extended his arm, and Celeste hopped onto it.

Elashor addressed Celeste, the parrot, with a sense of gravity in his voice. "I know who you are and where you come from," he declared, his words directed at the silent bird perched on his arm. Celeste remained stoic, its bright eyes fixed on Elashor as if understanding the importance of the message.

With the letter in hand, Elashor continued, "I have a message for your holder." He held up the missive, its contents carrying the weight of urgency. "Fly swiftly, my feathered friend," Elashor whispered, giving Celeste a gentle nudge to prompt its flight. The parrot, ever vigilant and resolute, spread its wings and ascended into the sky, its trajectory set for the Kingdom of Berenia.

As Celeste soared through the air, Elashor watched the bird disappear into the distance.

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