DB Tech- The General

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Mason trudged towards Goodneighbor, his steps heavy, a brooding shadow lingering over him since the encounter with Kellogg. Even after two weeks, the rage simmered just beneath the surface, a constant, burning reminder. He had left Heather back at the Castle with Garvey, not wanting them to see what was going on with him.


The sharp sound of a bullet ricocheting off his helmet jarred him, almost toppling him over. Instinctively, his head jerked to the side, narrowly evading the projectile. The unexpected assault momentarily brought him back to the present, to the harsh reality outside. Close to Boston, near an old high school - a place he once dreamt of Shaun attending - danger had found him.

As he steadied himself, a muscle in his jaw clenched tightly, his neck stretched, releasing the tension that had built up like a coiled spring. Turning towards the source of the shot, he locked eyes with a raider, a man now gripped by panic as he fumbled to reload his rifle.

Mason's gaze was unyielding, his eyes narrowed. Each movement was deliberate, his rage now finding an outlet. The raider's panic only served as a catalyst, fueling the fire that Kellogg had ignited within him.

"Fuck!" the first raider blurted out, his voice a mix of panic and confusion. As the hulking gray figure charged towards them, he couldn't fathom why the bullet hadn't done its job. "What's this guy made of?" he wondered aloud, his thoughts simple and unrefined. "We got company!" he shouted.

The other raiders, drawn by his alarm, clumsily made their way to the entrance. They often relied on brute force rather than tactics. The first raider turned back, expecting to confront the behemoth, but was met with empty air. "What the-?" he mumbled, his confusion palpable.

Then, out of nowhere, a strong hand gripped his face from below. The raider's eyes bulged in shock. The man had scaled the tower, bypassing the barbed wire with a surprising ease that belied his size. The raider, in a clumsy panic, fumbled for his sidearm, but it was already too late. He was yanked forward mercilessly.


From a distance, another raider caught sight of their mate's face being smashed against the rail. His brain struggled to piece together what was happening. "Is this guy on chems or somethin'?" he thought. His mouth opened to shout, but he froze. A silver glint caught his eye - but wait, that didn't make sense. The guard wasn't wearing a helmet, was he?

"Shit!" he yelled, his voice tinged with unfiltered fear as he saw a shape move over the tower. "Get rea-!"

The raider barely registered the sting of the laser hit, his attention quickly diverted by the sight of a Miss Nanny robot breezing through the gate. His scowl deepened. A man and a machine? This was turning out to be more than just a regular skirmish.

Fueled by a mix of adrenaline and overconfidence, the raider let out a bellow. "Let's go, motherfuckers!" Charging forward with his iron weapon in hand, he aimed for the towering figure descending from the tower. As he closed the distance, a flicker of realization dawned on him - perhaps he had underestimated his opponent. Swinging his iron with all his might, he targeted the behemoth's ribs, hoping to inflict some serious damage.


But in an instant, his attack was thwarted. The behemoth caught the iron effortlessly, and with a swift movement of his leg, delivered a powerful kick to the raider's stomach. The force was so great it sent him flying back, crashing into the second of the three lampposts fronting their base.

"Fuck," he grunted, pain shooting through his shoulder as he dropped to one knee. The iron had been wrenched from his grasp, and his shoulder throbbed from the impact against the lamppost. As he struggled to regain his bearings, he watched in horror as his fellow raiders engaged the behemoth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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