Chapter 2

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Lani woke up happy the next morning, although she wasn't completely sure where she was. Looking around, she tried to find out. Then she remembered everything that had happened. A little less then month ago she had been invited to her old best friends year twelve formal. And that was tonight.

She wasn't sure what today had in store for her so she stayed in bed for a little while longer. When the clock hit 6:30 though, she hopped out and went in search of the bathroom. When she had arrived last night, it was dark, and in the light everything looked a little bit different. Having forgotten completely where it was, she opened one of the two fully closed doors, hoping it was the bathroom. But it wasn't. It was a bedroom. A vacant bedroom. Their parents bedroom. The bed was made neatly and everything looked very slick, almost as if nobody had been in there for a while.

She eventually found the right room and had a quick shower. And after a dressing moment, she walked lightly down the stairs in case anyone was still asleep.

The kitchen lights were on, telling her there was at least one person awake. Through the doorframe she noted it was one of his two siblings.

"Hey Lenny" She greeted Wesley's older brother, Lennox

"Oh hey Larn" He responded not looking away from his scrambling of eggs.

She rolled my eyes with a smile, waiting for him to realise.

"Wait. Lani?" He finally looked up, eyebrows raised, smile plastered on his face "Leilani!"

The girl laughed and walked towards him, arms wide.

"How are you?" He asked as they embraced.

"Yeah yeah pretty good. You?" She laughed again, arms still around him.

He pulled away and smiled at her. "I'm awesome now that I've seen you" He exclaimed making her laugh even more.

"I've missed you" She pulled in for another hug

"So much" Lenny finished. "Want some eggs?"

Lani nodded eagerly and sat at one of the bench stools, as he grabbed another plate and popped up two pieces of nicely cooked toast. He was about to place the eggs on the bread when she stopped him.

"Wait!" She held her hand above her toast. "You can't not butter the toast"

Lenny rolled his eyes, pulling the pan back to it's upright position. "You and your butter" He chuckled.

They ate breakfast in silence for a while. Then Lani remembered something.

"Why are you here?" She asked, curiosity brewing inside of her. Lenny hadn't lived in the house since he finished high school which was three years ago. 

"Why are you here?" He raised his eyebrows

"I invited her to my formal" Wesley walked into the kitchen.

Lani whipped her head around and was met with Wesley's dirty blond hair all messed up from his sleep. His pyjamas consisted of only a pair of shorts, patterned with little sharks, for he was shirtless, his tan muscles quite defined. A smirked played at his lips as he watched her watching him. This is definitely not how she thought her morning was going to go. Luckily, she was saved by young Wren, only thirteen years old, running into the kitchen and catapulting herself onto her.

"Lani!" She squealed, holding onto her super tight.

Lani reciprocated the action, squeezing her even tighter and laughing "Wrenny!"

"You're here!" She joined Lani's laughter

"I am" Setting her down, she looked the younger girl over "Wow, you've grown up" Wren had become an older version of her younger gorgeous self, same dark brown hair and misty blue eyes. "Damn, you're so beautiful"

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