Starr hub Headcanons

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An innocent bean. 


Likes wearing hoodies with cute faces on them.

Can eat one medium sized pizza before falling into a food coma

Favorite drink is cooking oil.

R-T is like a 3rd brother to him

Favorite food is avocado.

Hates anything sour. Lemon juice is an exception, he like drinking it


A not innocent bean


R-T is like a father to him but doesn't want to admit it

Hates being called short.

Has one weakness: Food

Can eat one 3 tier cake, 6 pizzas and one baker's dozen box of donuts before falling into a food coma.

Favorite food: Cheese

Favorite drink: Apple juice



Likes his job

Can't eat due to no mouth.

Likes throwing surprise party's. 

Once saw Nani using her Stu body pillow and he wishes to remove the memory.

Sees Larry and Lawrie like sibling 

Story time.

Lawrie: LARRY!!!!

Larry: What?

Lawrie: Did you eat my rice?

Larry: No!

Lawrie: Last time I checked there were 4251 grains of rice!

Larry: Why did you count the rice?!

Lawrie: Because I can! 

Lawrie: And now there's 3564 grains of rice left! >:(

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