Part two

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we start laughing from how aggressively I said it. Sage speaks up and says why did you say it like that! We both start laughing even harder till we both have tears in our eyes. Once the laughter dies down a bit I speak up. So guess what! WHAT! Sage replies. So I met a guy whose name is Zachary and he's actually super kind!!! But suddenly Sage cuts me off. OH MY GOD WHOOOOO!!!!!! Wait, you didn't let me finish! OOPS SORRY!!! I laugh it's fine Sage but anyways i met him in school and his friend gave him my insta today. WAIT SLIGHT INTERRUPTION WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MET HIM IN SCHOOL! YOU'RE PARENTS WILL NEVER APPROVE OF THAT!! But what if they didn't find out and were not together yet but he's really kind and yes i like him as a friend for right now. Sage speaks up but what if he doesn't like you as anything? Sage calm down. I mean the very first thing he told me is that I'm really beautiful. I never said he liked me as anything. I just said that I think that he would be a cool friend for now. Ok just don't let your parents find out even if he's just a friend you're not even supposed to have male friends! I feel bad at how strict your parents are! Yeah me too I laugh a bit. I yawn loudly and Sage looks at me and says listen how about you take a nap since you seem really tired and maybe get dressed because you've been sitting here naked. I laugh hearing her say that. Okay i mean i was up pretty late last night i was up until 1. I woke up at 3:05 because my alarm clock was having a mental breakdown. I had to yank the cord out of the wall from how annoying it got. I kept hitting the top trying to make it turn off. I laugh. Well anyway if you want you can stay while i take a nap. Sage replies and says okay i'll stay she smiles. I CALL LITTLE SPOON! I yell proudly and she laughs out loud. I started to get changed and yes I got changed in front of Sage since I trust her and me and her have been best friends since kindergarten. After I'm done changing I scoot into bed and I wait for Sage to scoot in behind me and cuddle me. After about ten minutes of laying there with my eyes closed I drift off to sleep. About two hours later I hear Sage's voice saying Alice wake up it's 2pm. I start to stir awake as my eyes flutter open and I yawn loudly. How long have I been asleep? I mumble. About two and a half hours she replies. Wow i can't believe i slept that long i guess i really was tired and i haven't been feeling good lately i sigh lightly. Like in a mental health way or a sick way? More of a mental health way I'm just sick of my mother screaming at me for every little thing I do. Yeah I feel that my mom has been really rude to me for no reason but I don't take her attitude so I always tell her she wants me to respect her more than she can respect me. Sage says. If only our families weren't so strict! I reply and laugh. Hey sage! Yes alice? Can we maybe just stay in today and watch movies? Yeah that sounds fun, we haven't had a movie day in forever! OH MY GOD FOR REAL I MISS OUR SLEEPOVERS WITH MOVIES AND SNACKS! I reply loudly. Me to Sage says.

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