2. New friend

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(According to me this is their class, you can imagine it however you like)

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(According to me this is their class, you can imagine it however you like)

Felix's Pov

Fl: Hey, my name is Felix, and yo-

I stopped after seeing the face behind the long black hair. It was no one but the boy who bumped into me in the morning. I just wanted to punch his face, you know I fell so hard that my ass still hurts, and the look he gives me as if it was all my fault.

Hj: Why are you staring at me like that, it was your fault why we both fell on the ground.

Fl: What do you mean? It wasn't my fault, how would it be my fault when you were standing in the middle of the hallway like a long ass pole.

Hj: Yea, and who was running with closed eyes like a chicken?

Fl: Did you just call me chicken?

How dare this long legs guy call me chicken, and how dare he say it was my fault.

Hj: Yes, I did, what else do you call a chicken except a chicken?

Fl: YOU-

I was cut off by Ms. Kim calling our names

Ms. Kim: Boys, do you know you are disturbing the whole class .

She said resting her hands on her hips, raising an eyebrow

We both stood up and said sorry and then sat down, looking anywhere but the other

Ms. Kim: Students I have a bad news for you all, I will have to change your seats

Everyone groaned and was looking at her, with their eyes begging her to don't do it. But I didn't care, more like i was happy to get away from this long legs, who looks like a body without soul, with no emotion or expression on his face. He looked scary.

Ms. Kim: Felix you go sit with Jennie on the second bench of the second row. And Hyunjin you go sit with Jisoo on the second last bench of the second row.

We both were happier than ever to sit somewhere away from each other, I got up and went to sit with Jennie, Hyunjin did the same. I sat next to Jennie and she gave me a huge gummy smile.

Jn: Hi I am Jennie and you are Felix right?

Fl: Yes, lee Felix

I also gave her a bright smile.

Jn: Lee...

She whispered, but loud enough for me to hear but i just ignored it

Jn: Why were you and hyunjin fighting?

Fl: oh! that.. you know he is an asshole, we were fighting over who's fault was it

Jn; Who's fault was what?

She asked confused

Fl: We both bumped into each other and hurt our asses, and now we were fighting that who was the wrong one.

Jn: ohh.. right. but I think is was on one's fault, both of you are right and even hyunjin is such a stubborn, or we can say such a drama queen he will make such a big matter of it.

jennie chuckled

Fl: ohh.. wait you seem to know hyunjin very well, and in the morning you both were hugging each other

Jn: More like I was hugging him and yes I know him since child hood.

Fl: So he is your child hood friend?

Jn: we were friend till last year but then our families made a business deal in which they decided we should get married, and engaged us. So now he is my fiancé.

Fl: What the fuck!!!

I almost shouted

Fl: I mean why , you guys are so young and hyunjin doesn't seem to like you. Don't get me wrong, but i think so

Jn: No felix, you are right, hyunjin was a very good friend of mine but after this marriage thing and all he started hating me, and it's not his fault, I can't blame his, his life will get ruined. he never wanted to get engaged to me in the first place.

Her smile faded away a long time ago, and now she was on the verge of crying i felt bad for the poor girl

Fl: but then-

"FELIX" I heard Ms. Kim shout is an angry voice

Fl: I am sorry, Miss

Jn: Lix, who do you live with?

Fl: i live with my elder brother minho hyung and his friends, we are now like a family. I never thought of them as friends, they are just like my elder brothers..... you know what, jen

Jn: Hmm?

Fl: I think we should focus now.

we both chuckled and focused on our studies.

Hyunjin's POV

I was happy to sit away from that chicken, I took my seat next to Jisoo, she gave me a soft smile and i returned it back

Ji: Hyunjin, right? i am Jisoo

Hj: Jisoo hmm, how do you know my name?

Ji: Who doesn't, I have heard about you a lot, you are pretty famous both inside and outside the school.

Hj: What else do you expect after being the son of on one of the biggest mafia is South Korea.

I said rolling my eyes

Ji: you don't seem to like anything about it?

She said in a soothing voice which made me feel warm and good

Hj: What' s there to like, me and my father are not in good relations right now, well we never were.

Ji: It's okay

she put her hand on my back and rubbed soothing circles on it.

The class ended, other teachers came and left and we kept talking , i never thought I would ever talk that much with a stranger but she didn't felt like a stranger she gave a very friendly vibe. Now it's our lunch break, I saw jisung and seungmin waiting for me to stand and pack things up. suddenly seungmin's phone rang

Sm: Guys, I have to go, jeongin needs my help in some work, I will catch up with you later bye

with that seungmin left and jisung stood up from his seat and came to mine, well we were the only ones left in the class

Js: Ya hyunjin-ahh, what are you waiting for, come on let's go

jisung whined like a kid

Hj: I am just packing my stuff, why are you so impatient

i got up from my seat and we left the class

Js: did you see felix, well he was sitting with you only

Hj: Yea what about him?

Js: He's kinda cute

hj: wanna marry him

I said mocking him

Js: ahh come on

he said hitting my shoulder playfully

hj: What do you wanna eat?

we were walking through the hallway, talking about random stuff when i saw a group of boys standing in a circle.

Our eyes widen when we saw the boy standing in the middle of the circle

Js: wait isn't that.....

To be continued ...


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