Different Enviroments

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Normal POV

Beep, beep, beep
Sonic's alarm blared obnoxiously. He felt as though he barely slept. He groaned loudly. He didn't want to wake up yet but he knew he had to since he had plans with his friends. He threw the duvet off the unfamiliar bed and stood up. "Better get ready..." He mumbled, he walked into the hotel rooms bathroom and began to brush his teeth.


Once he had brushed his teeth he immediately rushed out into the main part of the hotel room, fished through his rucksack and threw on the first outfit he could find. It was a white T-shirt with a red star ring on it and plain, baggy jeans. He left his quills unbrushed and rushed through the door, making sure to grab his keycard along the way.


Once Sonic got outside of the hotel he started running through the environment to get to where he wanted to, he had been in the area before but never had the chance to enjoy the scenery, however, something was different, it all felt... Different. Something was off. It was all too colorful. Sonic doesn't usually mind colorful things, in fact, he preferred it but... It was all too... Excessive. It wasn't always like this. The pinks, purples and yellows, it was all giving him a headache. He could see his past forms, ones that he hadn't seen in years.

Before he knew it he was in a haze of some sort, like the colors were acting like a substitute for a drug induced high. He reached out his hand to the one form he had almost forgotten about, one that had been lingering in the back of his mind as a mere reminder of his triumphs in the past. Before he knew it, he was instantly in that old form of his. He felt a surge of energy and looked down at his legs, sure enough, they were a white-ish color with slight rainbow accents, like a prism. He saw his usual form in the place where his 'hyper' form was and touched it again. He was back to his good old blue.

Sonic continued to walk in the strange environment, he could see a slightly warped part of the air, perhaps it was a way out? Whatever it was, he knew he had to investigate. He inched closer and closer to the warp until he went through it, he felt a strange jolt and before he knew it, he was at the area that he and his friends had planned to meet up in and everyone was there. Everyone except for Knuckles.

"Hey guys!" Sonic shouted, he stood right next to Amy. "Where's Knuckles? I thought he was coming." He asked the group. "Apparently, something came up." Shadow replied, he seemed skeptic of the fact though. "Like what?" The blue hedgehog was curious about what could be keeping the red echidna busy, there isn't that much stuff that could hold him up on Angel Island. "We don't know, he wouldn't say." Amy said with slight concern, Sonic noticed this and put his hand on her shoulder gently to reassure her, not saying a word.

"So, where are we even gonna go?" Silver asked excitedly, he almost looked like he was vibrating from excitement. "Oh! I know! There's a really big amusement park somewhere around here, why don't we go there?" Amy replied to Silver, she also seemed quite excited. "I don't know... I'm not a fan of heights..." Blaze said, despite being a cat, she was terrified of heights. "Please Blaze? You'll have fun, trust me!" Silver begged, he'd never been to an amusement park before and he wanted his first time on a roller coaster to be with some of his greatest friends. "Yeah! It's gonna be great!" Tails exclaimed. "Okay, I guess it'll be alright." Blaze said, she didn't sound so sure though, almost like she was trying to reassure herself.


As they all walked in the group, Silver couldn't help but feel another presence, it was familiar, it felt similar to Espio's presence, if not, the exact same. He turned around to see if he was there. He couldn't see anything, he looked around for awhile, the group was way ahead of him at this point but he just couldn't leave this alone. Silver looked directly where the presence was from, he noticed a purple tail that instantly disappeared. "Hey! Silver! You coming or not?" Sonic shouted. "Uh... Just give me a minute!" He shouted back. "Okay, we'll meet'cha there!" Sonic replied and the group continued to walk.

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