Eclipsed Bliss

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Wilbur and Tommy woke up to the sounds of talking. Their brother's and father's voices could be heard from all over the house. They'd think there was a fight going on if they didn't know any better. They already knew about the bond between them, so the thought of fighting was out of question. Either way Tommy wasn't happy about it, '' Urghh... come on not again.'' he murmured in his half asleep form. Beside him, Wilbur didn't look joyful about it either since he wasn't used to waking up in the early hours. He adjusted his glasses which he forgot to take off after what happened last night and fell asleep with his brother beside him. Talking about the younger boy, Tommy, he shifted from where he was sleeping before from all this with a grumpy look on his face. Noticing this Wilbur said '' Morning Toms. How are you feeling?'' with calmness and joy on his tone and face that was hiding a worry inside of him who was moving like a butterfly in the depths of his mind and heart. Tommy knew what the man in question was talking about. He was worried too, nervous even. But he wouldn't show it either. ''I'm alright. J-just tired'' the boy said. His brother nodded and pat his shoulder with a soft smile on his features. Soon they slowly got up and made their way to the living room. They found the rest of the family members there standing and talking about something. Techno looked like he was ready to leave the house so Wilbur decided what was going on, ''Morning'' he said and with that Phil turned around to look at them. The man was pretty cheerful which made Wilbur's curiosity even bolder but then again he was always happy while talking to the eldest so he didn't think about it too much. ''Morning mate. How did you sleep?'' their father asked. Tommy tensed a little but decided to reply when his father's gaze settled on him, '' As... always?''. Seemingly, Phil and Techno didn't question why Tommy had a questioning tone as he spoke and didn't get interrogated about his nightmares either since they didn't know. But still, the blond was scared that they'd find out about it any second and asked him what it was about. Wilbur hadn't asked him. Because he knew his brother wouldn't want to talk about it but he was also welcomed in open arms if he ever wanted talk about it. And Tommy appreciated it. Even though he knew his avian father and his eldest brother would not do the same thing but demand answers. He knew they would do this for his well being but he couldn't get himself to tell -heck to mention it and so the young boy changed the subject quickly since he wasn't interested in paralyzing any more, ''Uhh Tech? Where are you goin'?'' he asked. Not like he was interested, no not at all, he didn't miss his brother either,he was just finding something else to change the subject, nope- The pink haired man answered with ''I am going to training and then I may go to Niki's cafe'' he paused ''you guys can come if you want''. The two other boys were quite for a few seconds before replying at the same time, ''No thanks'' ''Hell yeah!''. While Wil rejected the offer Tommy was excited to spend some time with his oldest brother and watching his new fighting skills. Again he wasn't interested. He- he just... didn't want his brother to feel alone! Yeah! That was the reason ''Alright kid, go get ready'' another paus ''and just so you know I won't be waiting for you more than five minutes.'' he said and his brother went back in an instant to where he came from to get ready. Meanwhile, Wilbur was staring at his brother rather a bit suspiciously, ''You? Taking Tommy? With you? How come?''. Now it was the piglin hybrid's turn to reply ''What do you mean? I do spend time with Tommy often. There isn't anything wrong or weird with that.'' and he was right. He did do that. But something in Wilbur's eyes said otherwise. He opened his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by Tommy's loud 'READY!' and with that, both of his brothers were heading of to Technoblade's training place.

''Alright Tommy we're here.'' the oldest said. Tommy eyed the training hall gingerly. To say the least the said place was huge. There were tens of people sparring and training, different kinds of weapons, paintings of great warriors. ''Damnnn there are a lot of people'' he said, letting out a low chuckle at the end. ''Yeah but... I'd like to remind you that... none of'em are called The Warrior Of Blood!'' the other one replied with, with an audible smirk on his tone. Soon the two boys were heading to watch the people closely. Tommy seemed to find their fighting skills slightly impressive but for Techno it was way too average and he kept on making slight comments. After a few minutes Techno grabbed his own sword that he brought from their home and chose a young but kinda skilled trainer to spar. As both of'em got ready, the blond boy sat down on the floor and watched them curiously. Seconds and minutes passed by and the fighting began. The first blow was from The Blade. His attack was forceful and calculated, almost making the other one stumble. His opponent tried striking his own sword through but just before he could do it his blade was out of his reach in an instant, lying in front of Tommy which thought to himself 'Maybe this wasn't the safest spot to watch a fight'. The 'battle' was still continuing. This time it looked like his brother was going easy on his opponent. Regardless, it was easy enough to see that the other one was still struggling on ducking and dodging. The battle came to an end by Technoblade knocking off his 'opponent's' feet and making him lose his balance before pointing the sword to his throat. The fallen guy was seemingly out of breath while the brother was still emotionless and doing fine. Meanwhile Tommy, he was mesmerized by the fight. The sounds of clashing swords, the gleaming of blades, the looks in fiery eyes. Everything was familiar to him. Their father was teaching them how to fight from a little age. But his brother's skills were a lot different. He was stronger, faster, the best on his own way, which made the fight even more exciting to watch. Even though the fight lasted for only couple of minutes Technoblade's opponent was tired out. The older helped him up and pat his shoulder and said ''You should work on your speed''. The younger one nodded and they shook hands. After that the guy was gone. The silent blond-haired-boy deciding to chime in said ''Woohoo that was awesome!'' with clear joy. The other one turned to look at him. ''Thanks Tommy. But what were you expecting? For me to lose?'' he asked a little cockily. His sibling rolled his eyes, ''Of course not! Blood for the blood warrior!''. Techno chuckled at that before analyzing his brother with the serious look back on his face.''Tommy, have you been training regularly?'' he asked. The other one hesitated on wether he should answer or not, opening his mouth and closing it a couple times before he thought it would be the best to tell the truth, ''Not really...'' he answered, his eyes looking everywhere but his brother's red eyes. The man sensed the boys stiffness and nervousness. He wanted to ask why but went against it. Tommy's eyes seemed to hide myths upon myths. The blue on his eyes seemed like a deep sea that fought against strongest captains and pirates, sinking their ships and drowning them. Hiding their stories away and letting them to be discovered. But rather, he thought that, it wasn't the best to unravel the secrets just now. ''Umm... do you wanna go to Nikki's café.?'' he asked in uncertainty. The younger one pulled a confused face, ''Like- now? I- don't you have training to do?'' the blond questioned. ''I-I was actually thinking of ending my training earlier today'' he said while looking to his left, not making eye contact. Tommy perked up a bit, ''Okay... let's go then'' it had been a bit since the two of them did something together, so Tommy felt a little excited about it. ''Alright, let me get my stuff.'' the other said, vanishing from sight like a fading symphony. Tommy watched his brother go before being alone with the trainees. His eye got caught on something. Rather someone. A man to be specific. The guy had goggles on his eyes and he wore a blue t-shirt with white and red stripes on it. He was talking to a pair of trainees and showing them some moves. He set his goggles on his head, revealing his heterochromatic eyes. He watched the others trying to pull the moves he taught them. Tommy didn't know why he was staring or how long he was staring. But the guy awoke a sense of familiarity inside of him. He couldn't decipher why. It felt like he met the man before. Where, when and why? Welp. That was the question he wanted answers for. He took one step towards. Then two. Then three. All of'em hesitantly. His mind was dragged away from answers by a hand startling him. The hand turned out to be The warrior of blood's. ''You okay there?'' Tommy chewed on his lip and glanced at the guy that now was behind him, ''Yeah... just- I'm alright.''. His brother seemed like he didn't believe him. His blood hungry red eyes kept analyzing the younger one's face and features. Tommy tried to hide his nervousness. He didn't want his brother to find out that he was lying. He didn't want to answer thousands of questions that he didn't even have answers to. But his brother knew him well, it wasn't hard for him to understand he was nervous. Normally he'd question it and not let Tommy go without telling him what happened. But this time- ''Alright, let's go. I'm kind of hungry.''-he let it go. Tommy had no idea why but he was thankful for it. Was İt a miracle? A sacrificed understanding? He had no idea. And that was fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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