Blood and Water

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From a distance, a familiar tune could be heard from a blond boy with watery eyes who stood in a room full of fire.

Tommy was a fifteen-year-old teenager living with his family. He was happy, had a joyful life and had the greatest family ever.
'' Wilbur give it back you prick!''
'' Or what you gremlin?'' Well maybe not the greatest.
A loud sigh could be heard from the kitchen; '' Wilbur give your brother his discs back , you know how much he cares about'em''. İt was true, tommy did care about his discs.
With a sigh Wilbur gave in and handed Tommy his discs back. Tommy took them from the man's calloused hands with a mocking grin on his face. As Tommy was enjoying the feeling of victory, Wilbur went to the couch to sit by his older brother who was reading a book just like always. İt was just like any other normal day. Wilbur would tease Tommy and he would fight back while their eldest wouldn't care at all. It was almost like reading a poem over and over again on a silent evening and feeling all the emotions at once.
A few moments later the dinner was ready and they sat to the dining table all together.
'' So... how was your day boys?'' Their father asked, trying to come up with a conversation. The oldest- Techno answered the genuine question first(which was weird considering that he kept to himself most of the time). '' İt was alright... I was at Niki's bakery, she taught me a new recipe with potatoes.'' As soon as Techno finished his sentence Wilbur let out a snort. '' Niki? Taught you? Again? After what happened last time?'' Wilbur said with a mocking tone. ''Bruuh.. that was one time'' Techno replied with. Tommy who was completely lost, wanted to ask what they were talking about but just before the words were abot to leave his mouth Wilbur let out a loud laugh. '' Hahahha... one time? You were about to burn down the goddamn bakery down to the ground. I mean, isn't this why you have this scar at your hand?'' The brother said while pointing at the said scar on Techno's hand. Meanwhile their father was regretting the question he asked and Tommy... Tommy was out of words.
''Wait. I thought that scar was from some nasty fight or battle just like all the other ones.'' The youngest said. Wilbur who seemingly started to struggle to breathe from all the laughing replied with an '' Nononono... Techno has many scars from the stupidest things ever'' in-between laughs. The usually-stoic-faced-man was now trying to hide his embarrassment. ''Heh? Most of my scars are from fights. I do have some scars from silly-little-things maybe but most of'em are from training and spars. He then said hesitantly, which actually made sense. Techno was a skilled fighter wether with weapons like swords or axes (and even pickaxes) and wether with just his fists and kicks. But... having scars from 'silly-little-things'... now that was unexpected. ''For example- this one right here on the back of my head is from learning how to play the violin.'' He said, struggling to show the scar on the back of his head from all the hair. At that, the young boy was simply shocked. ''What the hell‽ That doesn't even makes sense''. Tommy murmured and Wilbur who was listening to their conversation burst out another laugh which was now clearly louder this time and he decided to chime in once again. '' You really thought that Techno got all his scars from spars and fights?'' he asked with a mocking tone, ''Awww... Tommyy... you think that your brother is cool? You want to be like him?'' he added in with a fake sweetness on his tone. '' Wilbur I swear I'll-'' before Tommy could finish his sentence a loud but firm ''Boys.'' was heard from the man who was forgotten by the three. The said man was clutching his forehead seemingly having a headache. ''For the sake of Lady Death, can we have a normal dinner tonight?'' he asked. The three startled boys were finally silent just like city's on snowy nights. The avian hybrid sighed and continued; '' Okay... alright. Wil. What about your day? Was It full of adrenaline rush like Techno's?'' Tommy let out a snort at the man's chosen words. '' Not really. I spent the whole day writing a new song'' he answered. After that Tommy decided to join the conversation once again; ''Mine was boring as hell. I was actually planning to meet up with Tubbo and Ranboo tonight...maybe stay overnight in their apartment or something.'' Now it was their father's-Phil's time to talk, '' Oh, that's nice Tommy'' he paused ''I can drive you to their apartment if you want'' ''Nono, İt's fine Phil I can go by myself. I am a big man afterall!'' Tommy denied the request rather a bit cockily. A choking sound was heard from Tommy's left, ''Big man??'' Wilbur paused to laugh '' What do you mean? You are just 15.'' The laughing continued. Tommy wanted to make the man regret his words but a single look that reminded Tommy of a frozen ocean in the depths of a snow biome from his father's eyes made his mouth shut (yeah- being the youngest literally sucked). So instead he said '' Why are you teasing everyone tonight? Was your song writing adventure that bad?'' Wilbur stopped laughing immediately -yeah looks like it was that bad- '' You little-''

It was cold outside and the coat that Techno made him wear was coming handy (not like he was ever going to accept it to the man's face). As Tommy was walking and slowly getting to his friend's apartment while holding his discs on his hand, he started to feel eyes on him. It felt like being on a stage and the whole audience's eyes were on you. But worse. The said eyes felt judging and... cruel. He increased his pace, luckily the apartment was close to where he was at he moment. A few moments later he made It to his destination safely.
His friends were chatting about the usual stuff. Tubbo was on about destruction and chaos again and Tommy listened, while Ranboo - his other best friend and Tubbo's roommate- was a bit off and acted weirder than usual. He did not say a word, didn't warn them of their acts, didn't joke around cruelly. Tommy noticed this and he went;''Ranboo? You okay there big man?'' The enderman hybrid's head snapped to the source of the voice,''Yeah...I'm fine...''. He wasn't. He clearly wasn't. Tubbo and Tommy shared a silent look. After a few beats of silence Tubbo figured out he wasn't used to his friend's being quite for too long. ''So! Tommy? Did you bring your discs?'' He finally decided to ask with clear excitement dripping from his tone. The blond haired boy answered the brunette's question by showing his round discs. Ranboo immediately went to get the jukebox which they always used, with gleaming eyes. And like that another peaceful memory was made. Another memory that they would smile every time they thought about it. Another memory that they would never forget.


Tommy woke up crying in the middle of the night. His breaths could be heard from a mile ahead. İt was a rainy night. The droplets that hit the window made a small sound of 'splash' every time they met the cold surface of the cool glass. 1,2,3,4. He was at his home. Too scared to stay at his friend's apartment because of the eyes he felt while walking down the streets. The drops of rain that Tommy normally would find calming, now meant nothing more than an annoying sound that made it even harder to breath. 5,6,7,8. His drowned out hyperventilating was heard 8 seconds after from Wilbur who came in to his room with calculated steps as if Tommy was a small, scared animal that would run away in an instant. His big brother sat to the chair next to his bed. ''Again?'' he asked with concern in his eyes and sadness on his tone. Tommy just simply nodded. It was a common thing. Tommy sometimes would have nightmares and it would become harder for him to breathe or even sleep. After a few beats of silence Tommy could feel arms around himself. Wilbur was apparently hugging him just like always in his panic attacks or hyperventilating. Hugging was actually not a great thing to do if someone had a panic attack. But it was different with Wilbur. İt was different spending time with him. İt was different to joke around with him. İt was different listening to him. He was different that others. His brother. The hug worked as always. Tommy was calmed down after the loose hug and the reassuring words of the said guy sitting beside bis bed. ''Are you feeling better now?'' The 21 year old asked. The boy simply noded and added a simple 'mhm' to it while still hugging his brother. After a few seconds they let go and Wilbur grabbed his favourite instrument. His guitar. Which Tommy hadn't realised he had brang it with him to his room. This was a usual thing for them too. His brother would play his instrument for him whenever he had nightmares. They figured out a couple years ago that music would ease Tommy's anxiety and help him fall asleep. And nobody knew about this except of him and Wilbur. Not even Phil or Techno. Not even Tubbo or Ranboo. Tommy shuffled a lil' closer to him and Wil adjusted his grip on his guitar. As Wilbur started to slowly run his calloused fingers on the strings of the guitar like every other dark night, Tommy listened. Raindrops hitting the glass that was long forgotten begun to accompany the music. They accompanied the music so rhythmically, as if it were a symphony that has been practiced for days. İt was a litteral symbolism of perfection. Soon enough Wilbur's voice joined the symphony. İt was like a story told by millions of tunes. Coloring the way it was told. Not long after Tommy was out like a light. And so was Wilbur. Even if they fought. Even if they argued. At the end of the day. At night. That was what they were. Brothers.

Hi everyone!!! Author here.

So... This is my first fanfic ever. İ hope you like it. You can be sure there will be more chapters soon enough
and forgive me if there are any spelling mistakes etc. English is not my native language.

Thank you all for reading and understanding.

Question of the day: what's one thing that both your mind and heart agree with at the same time?

The vanishing symphony Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang