Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

I probably had walked around the room a hundred times in the period it took for him to knock on the door and come in. "Hi." I said and looked at the space around him. The man of justice was gone and Victor, the sweet one was back.

He smiled and noted I was wearing a jacket. His eyes went to my pack. "What did you wish to talk about?" With long strides he came over and leaned down to kiss me on the forehead.

I smiled and then bit my lip. "I'd like to talk somewhere else."

Searching my face for a moment he nodded once. "We could go up in the tower."

I shook my head and played with the material of his shirt. "I'd like to go to the place I go for quiet... where I live."

The muscle in his jaw jumped a few times, the way it did when he thought something through. "We can do that."

I looked up to see if he looked tired. "Are you very tired after fighting? Too tired to climb?"

Smirking, he shook his head. "I can climb." He tilted my chin up with a finger. "What am I climbing on?"

I wasn't sure what difference that made. "Fire escape." He nodded and released me to look at my arm.

"Where is your transporter?"

I looked at my wrist. "In the bathroom."

He turned and walked that way. "I want you to always wear it when you... cross over to there. So we don't have to go searching, if you find yourself in trouble again."

I thought that was very sweet of him. I held out my arm when he walked out with it in his hand.

He secured it to my wrist and then reached down and lifted the edge of my jacket to be sure I had the belt and little box on. With a nod, he leaned down and picked up my pack and held it out to me. "Where am I taking us?"

I thought for a moment and then told him of a place that would be the closest he would know. "The street by Daxx's."

We reached the roof with the little stoop that I lived under. Out of everywhere I went, here always felt most right, so in my mind I lived here. Ten stories in the air, closer to the sky than the streets below.

"Only I would be fated a mate that is an adrenalin junkie." Victor mumbled as he stepped onto the top of the building.

I looked up at him. "I'm not a junkie." I frowned.

He smirked. "I didn't mean a drug addict, heart, I meant someone that likes danger." He looked back down the stairs and ladders we had just climbed.

My eyes went wide. "I don't like danger. I hide from it."

Chuckling, he touched the side of my face and then moved to walk around the roof and look under the small stoop. "You may think you hide from it." He glanced back to me. "But the fact remains, you run straight for it, without regard for your own safety." He went and looked over the city for a moment. "I can see why you like it here." He sighed. "It makes my tower gift to you seem..." he waved a hand down over the view, "lacking."

I went over and touched his arm so he would look down at me. "I love my tower." I told him.

Smiling, he put his arm around me and pulled me against his side. "That pleases me more than you know."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but we were both happy, so that was good. "I showed Daxx my tower tonight." I thought for a moment. "While you guys were doing your interrogation thing." I still didn't know what that was.

He snorted. "Daxx's words?"

I nodded, he was so smart. "She called me Rapunzel too."

Victor looked at me a big smile on his face and then he looked at my hair. "Her way of speaking at times is..." he made a motion with his hand. "unrefined."

I laughed. "Only to you."

Nodding slowly, he hugged me tighter. "Yes, I'm aware." He smiled and then kissed my forehead again. "I seem to be stuck in one era of language and have never quite moved beyond it. Or so I'm told."

I put my cheek against his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "I may not always understand what you say, but I like it."

"That is all that matters to me. Now." Grasping my shoulders, he leaned back and his eyes searched my face for a long time. "What is so difficult to say that you needed to bring me to the place you are the most comfortable in?"

I bit my lip, not even knowing that was why I did it. He was so smart. I took a deep breath and stepped away, I had to move to keep my thoughts clear and focused. "It was so easy to explain to Daxx," I walked a few feet the other way then stopped. "Or she just understands me, maybe." I looked to see he hadn't moved, and knew he wasn't going to follow me as I paced around the roof. "I read many things in those books... from the library." I looked down to see the streets were quiet and then to the sky. The sun would be up soon. "I was quite excited when I read some of it." I turned on the heel of my boot fast and nodded. "I know I am a seer now. That's what the one book told me."

Walking the other way a few feet, I watched him. He made no motion to interrupt my thoughts. I liked that about him, he knew the smallest thing would set my mind in another direction. "I am looking for the words." I told him.

"I know, heart." He whispered in reply.

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